QnA Answers 1

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Ok,so now we got some questions for our cast. Are you prepared?

Ruler:I didn't ask for this

Shut,be happy that i didn't make you a 3 Feet tall man

Ruler:You litterally made me commit suicid-

Plot Reasons



Some_Guy_With_Time asks Ritsuka:
"Assuming you know Ruler's Noble Phantasm,will you be able to supply him with enough energy,since you are not a trained Mage?"

Ritsuka: "W-well, seeing that I'm not that strong,i think i would just barely. In Singularity F,after that battle with Saber Alter,i didn't show it,but i was barely standing up..."

Ruler: "What?I was using 'Wyrm God' in a suppressed form. And i made sure to not use my Noble Phantasm at full power. Are you that weak?"

Ritsuka: "That was suppressed!?"

Ruler: "..."


Some_Guy_With_Time asks Mash:
"What was your impression of Ruler?"

Mash: "He looked quite scary... His imposing figure was towering over me..."

Ruler: "I can't image what will happen if you would meet Nosk."

Ritsuka: "Ruler,is this 'Nosk' another infected god thing. Because if it is I'm going to kill myself."

Ruler: "..."

Sheo: "Yes,it is."

Ritsuka: "..."


Some_Guy_With_Time asks Olga:
"How are you planning on maintaining a steady food supply for all the Chaldea's inhabitants?"

Olga: "There were two options. Food industries in the world,and... stealing from alternate timelines."

Ruler: "That was unexpected."

Olga: "Then how would you do it!? Food isn't infinite!"


Korriiiiii says to Dr.Romani:
"I got nothing to think of,but you seemed lonely."

Dr.Romani: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I have the Ritsuka and the others. Thank you for your concern though, really appreciate it."

Cu Chulainn: "I-"

Dr.Romani: "You are that Servant that stole my job for a second!Come here!"


Some_Guy_With_Time asks Ruler:
"Is there anyone from the past that you are afraid of meeting?"

Ruler: "Of course there is. One is because i wanted to apologize for my actions,but i'm not sure how would they react,and the other is because of how they ruined my kingdom. The latter is more of rage tho."

Sheo: "Are you talking about The W-"

Ruler: "Another word and i'm taking your soul."

Sheo: "Yes,my king."

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