Singularity 1 : I

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Chapter 8 : Saints in France

Dr. Romani sat nervously at his desk, his fingers tapping against the wooden surface. He had just received the results of his latest scans, and it was not good news. He knew he had to tell Ritsuka. He took a deep breath and called his friend into the infirmary room.

"Ritsuka, I have some news," Dr. Roman said gravely. "I have discovered another Singularity. This time in France."

Ritsuka's eyes widened in shock. "Another one? Already?"

Dr. Roman nodded solemnly. "Yes, unfortunately. And it's much worse than the previous one in Fuyuki City."

Ritsuka's heart sank. "What do we need to do?"

"We need to go to France and investigate," Dr. Roman said. "We don't know what kind of threat we're dealing with yet, but we need to be prepared for anything. The fate of humanity is at stake here."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement. "I understand."

Dr. Roman smiled. "That's the spirit, Ritsuka. I have already contacted Da Vinci, and she's preparing the necessary equipment for our journey. We'll set out as soon as possible."

Ritsuka exhaled a deep breath of relief. "Thank you, Dr. Romani. I trust your judgement, and I know we'll be able to handle whatever comes our way."

Dr. Roman patted his friend's shoulder. "I appreciate your confidence, Ritsuka."

Ritsuka grinned in agreement. "That's right! Let's do this!"

Dr. Roman chuckled, feeling a bit better. His friend's enthusiasm always had a way of boosting his confidence. He knew they'd be able to handle the Singularity in France, no matter how powerful the enemy may be.

As they prepared to set out on their journey, Dr. Roman couldn't help but reflect on the seriousness of the situation. This was no longer just a matter of saving isolated incidents in time and space. This was a matter of saving humanity itself. He knew that the responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders, but he also knew that he had the best possible team to face this daunting task.

"Are you guys ready?" Ritsuka's voice echoed confidently within the Rayshift Chamber. As the Master of his team of Servants, he was determined to lead them to success on their next mission.

"We're ready, Senpai." Mash, the team's Shielder, replied with equal determination, her eyes shining bright.

Ritsuka looked around at his Servants - the beautiful goddess Stheno, the fierce and powerful Sheo, and the wise and composed Ruler - each one equipped with their own array of weapons and powers. They were all ready to face any challenge that lay ahead.

Dr. Romani, the team's scientist and advisor, spoke up. "Alright, let's get to business. We need to head to the Coffins."

Ruler raised an eyebrow, "Don't you have a better name for these technologies?"

Dr. Romani chuckled sheepishly, "Well, I didn't name them. But they get the job done."

The team approached the sleek, futuristic devices that would transport them to their destination. Rulers musings were interrupted as Ritsuka stepped forward, "Let's get moving, everyone."

As each member of the team stepped into their designated Coffin, they were met with a whooshing sound and a flash of light. The world around them seemed to warp and change, a dizzying sensation that left them feeling disoriented.

Da Vinci, the team's resident inventor, watched as the particles dissipated, leaving nothing behind but the empty Coffins. "Good luck, everyone," she whispered, a small smile on her face.

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