Act 1 - New beginning

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The trees whipped past the windows outside the train, merging together in a muddy green blur that made Nova feel homesick, she only just opened her eyes when the engery in the cart shifted. A cold chill engulfed the train, casting it into darkness. Finally, Professor Lupin and his ward awoke to the sound of students unable to stay still; their anxious whispers floated around the cart like the voices of a ghost. It had been a long journey for them; they had both fallen into the train exhausted and fell asleep instantly. Their time for rest was over, and they wouldnt get much from that point on.

Nova stood up to be met with the haunting figure of a cloaked skeleton. A dementor stood in the doorway of the carriage, staring at a dark-haired boy. The coldest feeling seeped into her body, freezing every limb and causing her to feel lightheaded. As a scream pierced her mind, she knew that it was her own, from a memory she never wanted to relive. Just as he had taught her, she cast the Patronus charm, a bright white light shot from the end of her wand, forcing the dementor away

"Are you okay?" She watched as Lupin helped the boy up, his messy fringe slipping away to reveal a lightning bolt scar. Not wanting to stare, she turned away, shoving a piece of chocolate into her mouth. "I'll go and see how long we have left."

The train isles were packed with curious students wondering what was happening. News of Harry Potter fainting due to a dementor was already spreading like wildfire. One blonde boy in particular was getting a lot of fun out of it, laughing and jeering; she felt an instant dislike towards him and the superiority complex he was exerting. Students stopped to whisper and point at Nova. It was strange how much interest they showed in her; she wondered if there days weren't as exciting as Lupin made them out to be since they found her so interesting. Or maybe it was the scar that peeked out from her colar, it started at her chin a part she could never hide.

"Excuse me, but how long will it be until we get to Hogwarts?" The train conductor looked at her, annoyed. He'd probably been asked that question a thousand times

"Ten minutes," he sighed, annoyed

"Thank you," Nova said as politely as she could before making her way through the ogling students. "We only have ten minutes. It's enough time for him to recover."

"Thank you, and you are," a curly brown haired girl asked her, slightly annoyed, she seemed to be examining her, for what she wasn't sure "I've never seen you before. What house are you in?"

"I'm Nova Black. Nice to meet you," she smiled at their surprised and afraid faces. "I'm actually starting this year because my father's the new defence against the dark arts teacher. As for my house, I'm not really sure, I'm getting sorted with the first years but my blood line have a long history with Slytherin"

"Blimey, your fathers Sirius Black," their bright red-haired friend said slightly inconsiderate, Nova smiled. He seemed like the type that would blurt out what he was thinking

"I was hoping people wouldn't make the connection," she laughed tiredly, knowing that they would. Everywhere she had gone they'd made that connection, but Lupin had never allowed her to take his name, it had been to late when she had gone to live with him "as far as I'm concerned, he is not my father, Lupin raised me he's my father."

"I'm Hermione Granger, and this is Ron Weasley. He always says what pops into his head," Hermione grinned, leaving out the brown haired boy that everyone already knew, she'd grown up on stories of the famous Harry Potter. Nearly every book she'd read mentioned him

"And you are," Nova asked him his green eyes truly were like his mothers, she wondered what she had gotten from her father apart from his unfortunate family history, most of her looks she'd gotten from her mother. At times she hated him, but she also understood how easy it was to go crazy in the Black family. At times it felt like she was cursed

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