Act 2 - Shapeshifter

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They spent the short weeks that they had before the final task practicing with Harry, refining his spells and teaching him new ones that might be handy. One day, when they were finished, Nova pulled Hermione aside

"I need your help," she stated. She couldn't afford to have Hermione turn her down

"What with homework?" Hermione asked, looking slightly concerned

"Not exactly," she said carefully. "During the trial tomorrow, I need you to distract Moody so that I can steal his flask."

"Are you crazy? What for" Hermione shouted slightly. She still hated when plans involved teachers

"I've tried to get into his head and I cant, trust me if I had any other way I'd use it but I know he's up to something" she said desperately, she hadn't yet gotten into his head but she had been able to sense the malicious intent that he held towards Harry "hes going to hurt Harry, Snape practically told me"

"What do you mean practically?" Hermione listened as Nova explained what had happened during her questioning, "All right, I'll help, but only because I have a bet with the twins about what's in there"

"Thank you." Nova hugged her tightly. "When I tell you tomorrow, distract him with as many questions as you can."

"What if he tries to drink from the flask?" Hermione asked, concerned

"I've been studying him for weeks, I know exactly when he'll talk a drink, trust me, I'll replace it before he notices," she smiled reassuringly

"Be careful," Hermione reminded her. It was something she always needed to be told

She hadn't slept that night thinking over her plan and all the ways that it could go wrong. When the sun rose and it was time to get ready, she was already up and dressed before the rest of her house

"What's your problem today?" Draco asked as she raced past him

"Nothing, just excited for the task." she smiled brightly, dropping it as soon as she turned the corner, Cedric stood waiting for her

"Can we talk for a second?" he asked, his voice not as bright as usual

"Yeah, of course," she said distracted, she had wanted to get to the stadium before everyone else

"I can't keep doing this," he said sadly. Her mind stopped its plotting to focus on him

"Can't keep doing what," she asked confused, she hadn't asked him to do anything he didn't even know what she was planning

"you've barely said a word to me this week, last week we only hung out once and the whole time it was like you weren't even there" he looked different to her now, she had disappointed him like she did everyone else

"I'm so sorry I've been helping Harry, he needed me" she knew as soon as she said it that it was the wrong thing to say "and you needed me too, I should have been there"

"Are you in love with Harry?" he asked seriously

"No," she laughed. "He's my friend,"

"Would you ever consider dating him?" Cedric continued to ask. She wished he would change the subject

"Of course not, I love you, I'm in love with you" she stated kissing him to remind him of how she felt, he pushed her away carefully "why are you asking me this"

"If I told you that Harry has feelings for you, would that change your answer" he asked obviously expecting a certain reaction "because he does, I've seen how you two look at each other, how the rest of the world doesn't matter, your not like that with me"

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