Act 2 - A new beginning, the same unlucky end

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Nova knew she was late, it had been a mistake to stay at home instead of at the burrow but she needed the night to pack her luggage, she couldn't go a year without the books she loved. Luckily she jumped on the train pulling her luggage with her before it was able to leave, she had made it just in time. She found her friends in a carriage together already in conversation 

"Where the bloody hell have you been" Ron asked he had taken the role of a brother with her easily scolding her, and Cedric when it needed to be done

"Calm down I'm here aren't I" She sighed tiredly pushing her trunk above her seat, her hair had fallen from its bobble and lay around her, frustrated she used her wand placing it in her hair to keep it from her face

"You barley made it" Hermione looked at her suspiciously and Nova knew what she was thinking, she shook her head and Hermione smiled 

"Anything from the trolley?" A small voice called appearing outside there cabin "Anything from the trolley?"

Ron pulled out a packet of drewbals and a liquorice wand, he looked in his pocket and Nova knew he didn't have enough money for what he wanted, he never did "On second thought, just the drewbals" he said dejected

"It's alright I'll get it" Harry offered keeping his eyes firmly on the trolley, had she offended him already 

Nova smiled at him, that was partly why she liked him, he hadn't allowed his fame to corrupt his kind nature. He didn't give a second thought to helping Ron, and he always made sure he didn't feel embarrassed about it

"Just the drewbals, thanks" Ron smiled back at him

"Aren't you having anything" Hermione grinned at her

"No thank you I ate on the way here" Nova said annoyed, Hermione had more fun than she should have teasing her about her mixed feelings

Cho Chan walked up to the trolley, Nova knew her from a few classes they had together but they had never talked or been very friendly "Two pumpkin pasties please"

Harry and Cho looked at each other and smiled, Nova stared at the two not sure when there relationship had developed. Was it that while she was talking to Cedric Harry had been talking to Cho not caring to return any of the letters she sent him. 

"Thank you" Cho blushed slightly

"Thank you" Nova mimicked under her breathe 

"Anything sweet for you dear?" The women asked Harry who looked pale

"Oh no thank you I'm not hungry" he moved away from the trolley to sit down, his eyes were dark 

"This is horrible, how can the ministry not know who conjured it" Hermione started as soon as the women had left "Isn't there any security or?"

"Loads according to Dad, that's what worried them so much. Happened right under their noses" Ron told them forcing apart his liquorish to give half to Nova, he stared at her until she ate it with annoyance

"Maybe if they weren't running after kids for suspects they'd find who actually did it" Nova said frustrated, the ministry had kept to there word and every day they had visited just in case she changed her story, which she never did because she wasn't lying

"It's hurting again isn't it, your scar" Hermione asked as Harry rubbed his head once again 

"I'm fine" Harry said to quickly for it too be true

"You know Sirius will want to hear about this. What you saw at the world cup, and the dream" Hermione told him

"She's right my father has dealt with this sort of stuff, he'll be able to help you" Nova took his hand squeezing it tightly "write him a letter, he'll be happy to hear from you it might even cheer up dad"

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