Act 3 - You must not follow your heart

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Nova had expected a better first day at hogwarts, instead her first class was with Snape. It would be enjoyable to talk to Harry and get his opinion on Umbridge, but she really hated potions. Well, she was good at it and always got the best frade, but she hated Snape and that made her perform under what she was capable of

"How did you sleep?" Harry asked, his eyes dark

"No better than you," she admitted defeated. "It's not the same anymore, I feel like everyone's waiting for me to snap."

"I know how that feels" he looked to Ron and Hermione, they hadn't been in the graveyard so it was easy for them to believe the rumour's that were flying around, like the one that after everything Harry had been through he had finally snapped

"Settle down" Snape said coldly, shutting the door behind him. There was no real need for the call to order; the moment the class had heard the door close, they had fallen quite "Before we begin today's lesson, I think it appropriate to remind you that next June you will be sitting an important examination, during which you will prove how much you have learned about the composition and use of magical potions. Moronic though some of this class undoubtedly are, I expect you to scrape an ʺAcceptableʺ in your OWL, or suffer my... displeasure.ʹ His gaze fell on her. He was hoping she would fail. Nova was sure he hated the fact that despite his hatred, she was still passing

"After this year, of course, many of you will cease studying with me,ʹ Snape went on "I take only the very best into my NEWT Potions class, which means that some of us will certainly be saying goodbye.ʹ His eyes rested on Harry

"I don't think anyone will be taking his class," Nova muttered

"But we have another year to go before that happy moment of farewell" Snape said softly a joy in the idea that they wouldn't return, Nova thought of taking the class just to annoy him but she couldn't do that to herself

"So, whether or not you are intending to attempt NEWT, I advise all of you to concentrate your efforts upon maintaining the high pass level I have come to expect from my OWL students. Today we will be mixing a potion that often comes up at Ordinary Wizarding Level: the Draught of Peace, a potion to calm anxiety and soothe agitation. Be warned: if you are too heavy‐handed with the ingredients, you will put the drinker into a heavy and sometimes irreversible sleep, so you will need to pay close attention to what you are doing. "

Nova knew from the way Hermione straightened in her seat that it was time to pay attention, Nova always did pay attention to her work, and if she didn't, she studied later. It was Snape's extra contempt for her that for once she decided she'd stop purposefully ruining her potions. Snape flicked his wand, the instructions appearing on the board and his store cupboard opening

Just as the class had predicted, Snape could hardly have set them a more difficult, fiddly potion. The ingredients had to be added to the cauldron in precisely the right order and quantities

"I think we shouldn't talk this lesson," Nova groaned. They couldn't afford a second of distraction

Nova looked at the board every so often trying to memorize the next line as she carefully added the precise amount of ingredients she needed. She knew as long as she followed the steps exactly there was no way she could mess up, it seemed the rest of the class didn't think the same way. Harry's potion was steaming and Ron's was spitting green sparks that made Nova edge away from him

"A light silver vapour should now be rising from your potion," Snape called, they only had ten minutes left to go, Nova was happy her potion was right but Ron and Harry were doomed

"I can't stand how he's going to look at me" Harry said tensely his voice furious "I'm sure he does this on purpose"

Nova stared at her perfect potion, she had been so focused on beating Snape she'd forgotten how hard Harry found the class, and now he had so much more on his mind there was no way he'd pass. She looked up watching Snape tell off Seamus who was prodding the flame at the bottom of his cauldron. Harry needed a win more than she did.

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