Act 1 - The truth beneath the invisiblilty cloak

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It was difficult to sleep as she worried about Harry, tossing and turning as the weather only worsened outside. If a dementor got to close during the match, he would be in danger, unable to defend himself, and there would be no way to get back to the ground safely. She tossed and turned until early morning, finally drifting to sleep when the owls stopped hooting. She would have to see Madam Pomfrey again before she got too bad, eventually, it would worsen to the point she wouldn't even be able to fall asleep, even if just for a few minutes.

"Are you going to give me something this time?" Nova whined, her shoulder only seemed to be becoming more uncomfortable, every time she moved it, she could feel the sharp pain shock her body

"You know I can't. There's nothing I can do for your mind," Madam Pomfrey told her for the twentieth time. She visited every chance she got, and soon she'd be banned from the hospital wing

Nova sighed, sitting on one of the empty cots. "Please, you can't tell me this pain is all in my head"

"I just did, now leave before I call for your father," she ordered, pushing Nova out of the infirmary as she grumbled about her being hard work. In Nova's opinion it was Madamn Pomfrey who was hard work, never giving her anything to help

"Thanks for the help" she huffed frustrated, the weather looked awful for a quidditch game but the school loved the game so much there was no cancelling it, she liked quidditch but she had yet to watch a match worth all the fuss. Nova searched for Harry before the game could begin wanting to make sure he was up for the match

"Nova, what are you doing here?" Harry said nervously his hands shaking. She knew how much the dementors put him on edge, whenever he heard them mentioned he would flinch

She hugged him tightly, feeling herself relax now that she could see he was okay "Don't worry about them, I'll keep them away from you."

"Thank you," he smiled awkwardly not seeming to understand how a hug worked. As she raced to the stand podium and into her seat next to Draco the rain began to drizzle

"You're all insane," he shouted to a group of Slytherin girls. He automatically moved closer to Nova, sheltering her with his umbrella. "What do you think?"

"About what?" she asked, feeling more settled. The Slytherins still accepted her despite the fact that her and Draco seemed to change relationships everyday

"Cedric Diggory, all the girls fancy him," Draco said, disgusted, shaking his head. "What do you think?"

"I'm not sure, he is rather attractive but I've never actually spoken to him" Nova admitted, she wouldn't want to date a person for there looks only to find out they were a bad person. She had spent her entire life around Lupin yet somehow she didn't truly know him

"I bet she's got a crush on Potter," Pansy sneered making fake kissing noises

"I do not!" Nova said gently, feeling her face heat. She was glad for her wild hair that hid her face. "He's my friend, that's all."

"It seems he has an eye for you" Pansy said decisively, she wasn't as bad now that she didn't hate her "or maybe Diggory does, all the boys want to see if your as deadly as your father"

"Utter nonsense." Draco laughed harshly

"Why is it?" Nova asked offended, not sure if Draco had meant it in a harsh way

Draco said quickly, trying to save himself "well its Diggory."

"Oh, so you think I'm not good enough for Hogwarts Golden Boy." Nova crossed her arms as the other Slytherin girls smirked at Draco

"Erm, look Potter." he quickly changed the subject, not able to save himself

Nova watched in horror as Harry's body fell through the air getting dangerously close to the ground. "Arresto Momentum," she shouted, his body slowly hit the floor in a painful manner. She was already racing down the stadium steps and to Harry's side before anyone could move

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