Act 1 - Full moon envy

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"What's up with Draco lately?" Harry asked as they cared for the boring flobber worms. There were more interesting creatures out there, but she knew it was better to start simple. Hagrid had tried to start with a bang but that had ended in tragedy for Buckbeak, all because Draco was too vain to act like a person

"I offended him," Nova admitted, enjoying taking care of the strange things. "I honestly think I hurt his feelings."

"I didn't think he had feelings," Ron said casually. Their hatred ran deeper than Nova knew; unlike her, who had a family rivalry with him, they had dealt with the worst side of his for two years

"Yer a natural Black," Hagrid grinned, his spirit picking up slightly

"Thanks; taking care of magical creatures is my favourite." Nova beamed proudly, she was good at all her subject but this was her favorite and it showed in the energy she gave it

"Of course it is; her father's a beast after all." Draco sneered, still angry when all she had done was tell him the truth

"You know, I think my favourite animal is a rat," Nova said, turning to Draco. "Maybe I could study you."

"Now, now, calm down," Hagrid hid, his smile turning away from them

"Are you coming to Hogsmeade?" Harry asked as they walked away from a furious Draco

"I'll have to ask my dad, is it cool there?" Nova asked curiously. Despite being born into the magical world, there was a lot she hadn't experience. Lupin hadn't allowed her to venture too far from home

"You've never been. it's only the best place ever," Ron said, shocked

"Well, I never got the chance; I was busy a lot," she said carefully not wanting to admit how little she'd experienced. The nightmares about her mother continued changing slightly every night, driving her insane along with the thought of the full moon to come, it would be good to talk to Lupin even if it was to get a form signed "Anyway, I should go talk to my dad.

"What's up, kiddo?" Lupin asked as she pushed herself up to sit on his desk

"Can you sign my form?" She smiled excitedly. She had heard so many good things about Hogsmeade, and she was excited to go

"You can't go," he stated simply, not looking at her

"What? But there leaving soon," she stammered upset, it was her only chance to do something normal with people her age

"Stop whining like a child; Harry can't go, and he's not complaining," Lupin snapped, causing her to move away from him. It wasn't often he shouted at her. When he did, she didn't react well; she'd never handled being shouted at not after her grandmother

"I'm sorry, I won't ask again." she croaked, feeling awful, she knew he couldn't help getting angry at times and she always forgave him, yet it still hurt and after she could never forget the look in his eyes "next time I'll just act like Harry, you've always preferred him"

"Nova, I don't prefer him, he's been through a lot, he needs support," Lupin said sadly

"You don't think I don't know that after everything, you think I haven't been through just as much as him," she said angrily sick of him always comparing her to Harry when she had endured just as much

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