Act 1 - Death will not take me

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Nova stared through the thinning in the trees terror-stricken as Dementors swooped around in and out of the lake edge. Opposite them, across the lake a cyclone of Dementors were whirling madly above Harry and Black as Nova shielded her father with her body. She shivered remembering the dark images that had flashed through her mind, it was a fate she wouldn't even wish on Draco. Nova watched as Harry vainly attempted to conjure a Patronus as the cyclone only continued to grow, there was nothing they could do to help

"This is horrible" Hermione flinched as another Dementor swooped down to feast on Nova

"Don't worry. My Dad will come, Right there, you'll see, he'll come, any minute" Harry pointed to a space across the lake "he'll conjure the Patronus"

"No one's coming, Harry" Hermione said warily as the cyclone of Dementors grew rapidly becoming darker than the night sky

"HE WILL! He will come!" Harry shouted desperatly his eyes searching the wood for something that would was never there

"Harry, I'm dying, you're dying we can't wait" Nova placed a hand on his arm remembering the intense cold that had frozen her in place and the pain that had wracked her body

She watched as Harry's face changed. A riddle unraveling in his mind causing him to draw his wand.

"HARRY, NO!" Hermione shouted too late

Nova stared stunned and impressed as Harry raced across the lake into the spot his father had supposedly stood. A wisp of silver escaped his wand, hovering like a mist, then it bloomed magnificently. The trees exploded with light and both girls had to shield there eyes. The lake blazed with a reflected fire. The Dementors retreated allowing Nova to race to Harry's side, she lowered his wand as he stood still as a statue. She could sense the disappointment, but there was no changing the death of person. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly pulling him towards her

"Thank you for saving me" she whispered feeling him relaxing slightly as he returned the pressure

They walked towards the castle in a solmn mood, Buckbeak swooped around them making the most of his freedom

"You were right, Hermione. It wasn't my dad I saw earlier. It was..." He looked away from Hermione and Nova could see the pained expression on his face "I saw myself conjuring the Patronus before. I knew I could do it this time, because... because I'd already done it. Does that make sense?"

"It kind of does in a very twisted way" Nova said trying not to think about it because it hurt her head. Time travel was confusing when it came to things you could do and couldn't

Hermione looked to them fearfully "I don't like this!"

Buckbeak landed close to them. Sirius was pacing within a small cell, a man condemned to a life of guilt that he did not deserve. His eyes widened stunned to see them.

Nova pushed past her friends desperately wanting to save Sirius "Alohomora!"

Sirius tested the iron door to find it still locked. Nova slumped in disappointment "Didn't really expect that to work"

"Its alright" Sirius said gently reaching a hand through the cell bars for her to take

Wand flashing, Hermione stepped up to the cell as Snape and Fudge drew closer, she tried spell after spell, Novas mind hurt with the sheer amount that she knew

"Dunamis! Liberare! Annihilare! Emancipare! No. No. No. No" Hermione hissed in frustration as the barred door would not open

"You might try" Sirius tried to suggest

"Quiet! I'm trying to think" She resumed pacing, causing Nova to laugh slightly

"Do we have to use an unlocking charm" Nova asked a plan forming that was slightly reckless "stand back as far as you can"

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