Act 2 - Quidditch, and maybe more

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Nova paced nervously clutching the letter in her hand that she had received the night before, if possible she had read it a thousand times and each time she couldn't stop the flutter in her chest. Her mind swam like an ocean each excited flutter drowned out by her own anxieties. Such short sweets word were enough to send her into a spiral. 

I cant wait to see you once again, it has only been a week by my calculations yet it feels like an eternity. I have found myself counting down the days, not only because I am excited to watch the quidditch tournament, which I very much am. But because I enjoy being in your company as much I hope you like being in mine. I will continue to cunt down the hours.  Love Ced

How cold she be sure that the words weren't an accident, a thoughtless gesture as his pen glided neatly across his paper.  It could have also meant he loved her in a platonic way, after all she ended every letter to Hermione in the same way. Yet she couldn't stop thinking about it her thumb running across the paper so often that the words had begun to fade, she had more ink on her hands than on the paper. She needed advice to stop her jumbled thoughts, but she had no time to talk to Sirius or Lupin. What was the good of two fathers when she couldn't get any advice on the boy she liked.

"Please could you stop that" Ginny snapped once again 

Nova had been her roommate for the last few weeks of the summer and she had slowly been driving Ginny insane. Lupin had decided to take up time traveling, which was code for hiding away with Sirius, it was easier to hide then be out in the world as a werewolf. Nova had offered to stay home alone, she knew she'd be able to handle it but Lupin had thought otherwise, forgetting that she had spent the majority of her childhood looking after herself. Nova had to admit she was thankful, it felt nice having others look after her instead of worrying over every little thing. The Weasley's had taken her in without a second thought treating her like family, she never had a reason to feel anxious and she found that she never wanted to leave. Nova especially didn't want to leave Ginny who had become her sister, they talked late into the night about everything. It seemed Ginny had wanted a sister as much as Nova had wanted family. 

"Just tell him how you feel, it's not that hard" Ginny scolded playfully "your ruining the carpet"

"Fine I'll try, maybe" she winced sheepishly, she'd had a crush on Harry for a year and hadn't told him because shed been to afraid he'd reject her. She wasn't sure she'd be able to tell Cedric and it was obvious he felt the same.

They'd sent letters back and forth nearly everyday, and when they could they met in person giving their owls a much needed rest. It was always easy, his smile and soft touch put her at ease. Yet now that she thought about seeing him in a new light, having to confront her feelings nothing felt easy. If anything she knew that when she saw him shed be anything but easy going. 

"Honestly for someone as smart as you are, your not very bright" Hermione laughed from her cot. The room was cramped with all three girls but they enjoyed sharing the space, and most of all pushing Nova to the edge "Ginny has more sense than you do, you should let her write your next letter"

"Shut up Mione, your just as bad" Nova teased, she hadn't made on move on Ron either and shed known him far longer

Hermione blushed throwing a pillow at her "Let's get the boys up before they make us late"

"That's a great idea" she said tucking the letter into her pocket but not forgetting what it had said, it was burned into the back of her eyes "see you in a sec Ginny"

"You don't need to panic" Hermione reassured her, she and Ginny were the only ones who knew how miserable she had been when both her fathers had left that was why Hermione had decided to stay at the burrow to. She had finally gotten the courage to tell them about Harry but he showed no interest in her. It wasn't the fact that he hadn't noticed her, they were friends after all therefore he had to like something about her company. It was that she was completely alone, missing a father she'd just gotten to know, she'd assume Harry felt the same. In the beginning she had turned to him for company but he had ignored her, the small act had felt like a betrayal, the only person she wanted to talk to hadn't wanted to talk to her

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