Act 2 - A traitor in our midst

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Nova looked down at the letter in her hands. It was shaking with her anger as she read the words over and over again. They had become blured with her tears. She pushed the dungeon door open, storming angrily to the Gryffindor common room

"Harry, may I talk to you?" she asked before remembering why she was angry. "Scratch that, Harry, you have no choice." she grabbed his sleeve, dragging him outside and throwing the letter at him 

"Do you want me to read it?" he asked, confused, looking at her with wide eyes that were a mix of fear and humour 

"You told my dad everything," she hissed at him, embarrassed

"Not everything, just the gift and Cedric not knowing your birthday." he winced slightly, backing away a fraction. In the moment he hadn't realised he'd done anything wrong, now he knew it had been stupid "I can see how it seems like everything, but it's really not that big of a deal.

"Not that big of a deal" she snapped standing back for a student to enter the portrait she dragged him away to a more secluded corner where less people would pass "We only write letters to him that hold as little information as possible, we don't talk about our lives"

"It's okay, nothing happened. I was careful," Harry tried to say in a gentle tone, but she was so worked up that this only annoyed her further

"How do you know you were careful, has he written back to you and confirmed that he's safe" Nova knew that her anger was fueled by her concern for Sirius, she had only received that letter since her birthday "I can't let you keep risking his safety"

"Nova listen to me he's safe, he wrote to me only days ago and he sends me a letter every week confirming his safety" Harry said reassuringly not knowing that these were the worst possible words he could have said to her 

"He writes to you every week," she asked as though she had not heard him the first time 

"Of course he does, he wants to make sure I'm prepared for the tasks and he doesn't appear in the fire anymore, it was too dangerous the first time" He continued to say not noticing that she had gone silent and her face had fallen into an unreadable mask 

Harry stopped talking to look at her. "What's wrong?" he asked, trying to take her hand 

Nova pulled away from him not wanting to be anywhere near the boy that had unknowingly taken her fathers affection, memories flashed through her mind of the year previous when Lupin had favored Harry, it was an endless cycle that he wasn't aware of but was killing her 

"I cant be around you right now, I cant talk to you knowing that he loves you more" she whispered feeling her heart grow heavy, what was the point in having two fathers if neither cared for you  

"I don't understand what I've done," he said, frustrated pulling her back to him as she tried to walk away. He wasn't going to let her leave, he knew if he didn't stop her she'd never talk to him again "Nova please explain to me what I've done."

"You haven't done anything Harry that's the problem, I know its not your fault but he doesn't write to me unless its to talk about something you've said" she felt her eyes become wet and wiped her face furiously all the pent up anger she held directed at the letter she was holding "Read the letter all Sirius talks about is how well your doing and that he's spoken to you about my boyfriend, your telling him things that he should be asking me about. I'm his daughter. "

She hadn't noticed that the letter she had been holding had burst into flames and had slowly been burning down until it reached her hand, she dropped what was remaining of the parchment, letting out a groan of pain as she held her now burnt hand. The small flame seemed to go out in its own 

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