Black Ops 3 News

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This isn't exactly zombies news, it's just all of the information and rumours that I can collect about Treyarchs upcoming game, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.

Wall Running- If you have seen, or played, TitanFall then you will probably know about the wall run. Basically you can jump onto the wall and run across it for a brief period of time. If you have played Prince of Persia it's pretty much the same.

The Ballista- Everyone's favourite sniper rifle returns! The Ballista is rumoured to be making a come back, and every one is extremely happy about it. It's not like the crappy scope, or the bone crunching recoil, or the water pistol power, or the ammo capacity, or the RPD reload time made it a bad gun.

The Honey Badger- A fan favourite gun from Ghosts. It has a built in silencer and a moderate amount of recoils. The ammo capacity is standard for an assault rifle. It's an all round decent gun.

Underwater shoot outs- You should be able to swim and shoot underwater. Treyarch are making BO3 a lot more open. Underwater game play will be a big feature in most maps, allowing players to slip in and out of water seamlessly.

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