The Bus

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Once you have knifed all of the round one zombies you will have enough money to open the door. Do this INSTEAD of buying guns off of the wall! The guns at the bus depot are all terrible past round three. Wait until you are on the bus, then look at the ceiling and you should see the outline of a pistol. BUY THIS GUN. It is way better than every other weapon there.
Do not stay at the bus depot past round one, as the zombies get progressively harder to kill the higher the round. The bus will honk its horn a few times before leaving, so as soon as you hear this wrap up what ever your doing and jump on the bus. When you get on the bus it is a good idea to close the doors as if the bus is not moving, zombies can climb on. When the bus IS moving you need to watch the boarded up windows on the sides as zombies will cling to these and climb through the window once the barricade is broken. It is always a good idea to repair the barricades in between rounds, as this both earns you money and slows the zombies down. You can get a power up, Carpenter (this looks like a golden floating hammer), that will automatically repair every barricade on the map. This is very useful as it also gives you the money you would have got for doing it yourself.

The bus will stop at each different part of the map for a little while so it is a advisable to check each stop for things like the Mystery Box, decent wall buys and the Bowie knife.

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