Chapter 1

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(NOTE MUST READ: Right now, I'm using my moms laptop. My computer has a crack on the corner of the screen and the whole screen is kind of popped out a bit. I'm surprised that it still works but the crack is preventing me to click on anything. And the other downfall is that the computer has ALL my arts and stories that I have worked on. So I'll probably be slow on my stories but I'll type them here when I can. Later today, I'm going to take it to where I bought the computer to see if they can replace the screen. Wish me luck!)

"I'm scared..."

He felt someone tucking him to his bed and held his hand softly while rubbing his forehead with the other hand. He looked up and saw a young female in her nightgown that is white that reaches down her feet and her brown hair that's passed her waist.

"It's okay, baby brother. I'm here while mom and dad are away on business."

"Y-You promise?"

She softly smiled and said, "I promise. Now go to sleep okay?"

The female was about to leave the room when she felt someone holding onto her nightgown.

"...Please, sing me a song. The song that you always sing to me when I'm afraid."

She smiled and ruffled his black hair a bit and answered, "Okay, but let me go get somethings. You may like them."

She went into a room down the hall from his room. He went back to his bed and tucked back into the covers and waited patiently for her to return. A few minutes later, the young female came back and sat on her knees next to his bed and show him a necklace with a butterfly charm, crafted from a piece of a tree.

"What is this?"

"It's a necklace with a butterfly charm on it. The charm is made from a very special tree that I go and see at times when I'm alone."

"Oooh, is that tree here? In the back?"

She smiled and sighed, "It's a secret baby brother, but one day, someday, when the time is right, you'll know."

The little boy looked at the charm and held it in his hands in curiosity. 

"Can you help put it on me?" he asked, hold up the necklace for her to put it on.

She nodded and helped put the necklace on him and he looked back her with a matching smile.

"And here is the other part of the surprise."

The female stood up and walked up to the window to open it. She reached out her hand outside and held out only one finger. He was confused at first but was shocked when he saw the most beautiful thing he ever saw that landed on her finger.

"A pure glowing butterfly?!"

She laughed as she brought it next to him to show it a bit closer, "This butterfly, is my animal spirit. When ever you see this kind of butterfly... that means I'm with you. Even if I'm not physically there, I'm there."

He lightly petted the wings. They felt soft under his fingers. She smiled when he had stars in his eyes.

The butterfly flew around him and landed on his nose that made him giggle. She laughed lightly.

"Okay," The female said as she took the butterfly off his nose and let it fly around the room. "It's time to sleep baby brother. How about that song that I promised you?"

He smiled widely and nodded excitedly.

She sat back on her knees, next to bed so she is right next to him as he laid down on he pillow. 

Constant as the stars above
Always know that you are loved
And my love shining in you
Will help you make your dreams come true
Will help your dreams come true

She runs her hand through his hair, caressing his head.

The lamb lies down and rests its head
On its mother's downy bed
Dolphin plays in the moonlight's glow
And butterfly dreams of a violet rose
Dreams of a violet rose

The butterfly glowed a bright blue as it flew near and above him. It landed on a purple rose that she gave him and suddenly glowed a light violet as the butterfly landed in it.

Then the female rested her head next to his, smiling lightly at him as she continued her song.

I'll cradle you in my arms tonight
As sun embraces the moonlight
The clouds will carry our songs tonight
Our dreams will run deep like the sea
Our dreams will run deep like the sea

He started to feel his eyes lids becoming heavy. He tried so hard to keep his eyes open but couldn't. The last thing he saw before his eyes closed was the glowing butterfly flying off the rose, making the glow on the rose slowly disappearing. Then it flew out the open window.

Constant as the stars above
Always know that you are loved
And my love shining in you
Will help you make your dreams come true
Will help your dreams come true

She smiled a bit more as she saw him now fast asleep. As she quietly got up on her feet, she kissed him lightly on top of his head and walked to the door.

The female turned and said, "Sleep well, baby brother."

As soon as she closed the door gently. The charm on his necklace glowed very lightly.


Vox, the tv overlord, suddenly gasped as he shot up from his bed. He took deep and slow breathes as he felt sweat forming around the edges of his tv screen face.

'T-That dream... I never had a dream like that before.'

He quietly got up, making sure not to wake Vark, who is sleeping on the other side of his room and walked out of his room to check on Emika, who is 3-years old.

As he got to her door, he gently opened it enough to see her sound asleep. He smiled at her peaceful sleep. He continued to watch her for a few more seconds before quietly closing her door and walk back to his room.

When he got inside, he hears Vark mumbling. Vox thought that he is having a dream, from the way that Vark's tail is wagging and has a smile on his face, he can tell that it's a nice one. Vox shook his head and laughed lightly before going back on to his bed to go back to sleep.

'Is that really a dream? or something else?' he thought as he covered himself with the bed comforter.

'Whatever it is, I'm going to try and forget about it... But that woman... who is she? And that song... it sounds familiar, like I heard it before.'

Vox sighed in frustration and a bit of annoyance before he went back to bed. Having the covers going over his head.

What he didn't notice is a light blue glow outside his bedroom window flickering a bit before slowly disappearing. 

"Baby Brother..."

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