Chapter 16

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Vox twist and turned in his sleep, moaning in discomfort.

"Remember the fire..."

He snapped his eyes open and sat up, only to realize that he is not in his bed like he expected to be. He notices that he is in his normal clothes and hat. But what freaked him out is that he was in the middle of what looks like a big room with so many shelves filled with books with a piano along with two long couches and three chairs with a small table in between two chairs and a long tea table in the middle of the room.

"This room..." He slowly stood up on his feet until he stood straight. "It's... It's familiar. Like from when I was alive."


He saw light coming from an open door while the other is closed. He quietly walked over behind the closed door and saw someone walk by to answer the door.

"It's her. The same female from my previous dreams!" He gasped.

The unnamed female opened the door to reveal a young man and woman almost the same age as her.

"Oh, Dylan, Lavender. What is it that you want this time?"

"Oh, I don't know." The young man, Dylan said, leaning against the doorway. "That the elders made a mistake of selecting you to be the next elder! I came from a pure bloodline of witches and warlocks. I should be the next elder along with Lavender, who also came from a pure bloodline!"

"And your not pureblood! So what makes you 'so great' that the elders made the right choice of choosing you? Why?!" Lavender shrieked.

The unnamed female sighed annoyingly as she placed one hand on her hip while the other held the door knob from the inside of the house, in case she needs to slam it in their faces.

"True, I'm not from a pure bloodline but in my opinion though, it doesn't matte. As long as you have the smarts, a bit of courage with wisdom along with heart, which in your guys case, you don't have no heart at all. I could see them being completely black as night."

"Why you!" Dylan was about to slap her until he suddenly was pushed away from the door and flew across the small pathway to the front gates. That made Vox gasp in surprise.

"How dare you!"

Lavender was about to hit her when she also flew across the pathway next to Dylan, who is already on his feet, grinding his teeth in anger that they slowly started to form into sharp fangs.

Vox got a better look at them and gasped when he saw who THEY are.

'I-It can't be'

"This isn't over. Mark my words, you'll lose the one thing that is the most precious to you. That way, your heart WILL be as black as ours and the elders will think twice of ever choosing you!"

With that they left as the female slammed the door and made sure that it's locked and protected.

Vox was literally right in front of her, getting a closer look at her face.

"I must write to the elders immediately. Tell them what has happened here tonight." She said as she walked towards the stairs, the tv overlord moved out of the way until he noticed that she went through him.

That made him feel weird and a bit uncomfortable. But then he snaps that this only a dream as he followed her upstairs.

Once they reached at the top pf the stairs, they continued down the hall to another room that looked like an office. When the female sat on the chair in front of an old style desk, she began to write something. He took the time to wonder around the room and saw some jars with dried leaves and flowers. But what got his attention was a small pot with a fully bloomed rose that he saw in his first dream.

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