Chapter 8

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Two months later, surprisingly, Vox and Alastor didn't fight or even start one during those past two months. But Charlie knows that Vox didn't want his daughter to see him get hurt or to see something that would cause trauma to her. But like anyone could even hurt him though, I mean he is an overlord and one of the most feared to all demons. 

Emika started to warm up to all the hotel staff members and started to visit them when ever her and Vox were around the area. 

Niffty and Emika were the first to become friends much quickly since Niffty is more comfortable to be around with... at times.

Vaggie and Emika took the longest to warm up to each other, since Vaggie doesn't like overlords and all. But when Emika pranked Alastor with selling his most favorite radios, the look on his face made Vaggie laugh so hard that she literally fell to the ground while holding her stomach. Since then her and Emika became partners in crime, so Angel Dust joined into their group.

Husk was Emika's seeker when ever there was too many demons coming to his bar area. But they also became close, like grandfather and granddaughter almost. One time there was a birthday party for someone who lives in the hotel. Everyone was invited of course, including Vox. Much to his taste of getting to know everyone. There was dancing and music. 

Vox lost his daughter in the dancing crowd and he started to panic. He couldn't yell her name because the music is so loud that you can't almost hear your own voice. Vox was about to call and text Charlie when he felt someone tabbing his shoulder, he turned and saw Charlie smiling and pointing. Following where she was pointing at, he sighed VERY heavily in relief as he saw Emika sitting on top of Husk's bar counter laughing and talking to him and to some other demons who like her. Since then, Vox would make sure that she stays with Husk whenever there is a party or celebrations. 

Emika wanted to get to know Alastor... but every time she sees his shadows, she'll be reminded of that incident a while back with Angel. But all that changed when Vox asked Vaggie to watch Emika on her days off. When they came to the kitchen to get something to eat, Emika was suddenly picked up and was placed on someone's shoulders.

"Why, hello my dearies! You look lovely today!"

Emika was shocked at first but when she saw him smiling a REAL smile, she smiled back and gently held onto his head and laughed as he walked over to the pan that he was cooking some pancakes on.

"You hungry?"


"HAHA! Does you father ever feed you dear girl?"

Vaggie walked over and took Emika off of his shoulders and replied. "Of course he does you moron. I would see him and Emika getting some food when I work or pass by."

She placed Emika on a chair that's high enough for her to reach on top the table. When Emika received her plate with pancakes, she notices a note. She thought it was from Vaggie but quickly disregarded that when she saw Vaggie warming something in the microwave. Emika opened the note and noticed red ink with three words.

'I'm sorry darling.'

Emika instantly knew who wrote the letter. She turn to Alastor, who stared back at her and nodded with a smile blush of embarrassment. She jumped off her chair and gave him a quick hug and nodded back with a smile before going back to finish eating her pancakes. When she told Vox about it, he didn't like it but since Alastor DID apologized, he'll let her be around him... for now.  

As for Charlie, her and Emika became closer then the others, especially when Charlie is VERY protective of her whenever she gets bullied or hurt by anyone.

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