Chapter 12

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They arrived at Stolas's place in 5 minutes of driving and standing right in front of the doors as Vox knocked with the princess holding his other hand.


She blushed and nodded while swirling a piece of her hair.

He gently pulled her a bit closer and said. "It's okay. There's nothing to be nervous about- '

"I'm not nervous about Stolas."

He raised a brow, confused on what is getting her nervous.

"Then wha-"

The door opened rather forcibly as Stella, Stolas's now ex-wife, walked past them with an angry face. Vox and Charlie moved out of her way but as the angry female goetic demon roughly pushed them out of the way making Charlie trip over a rock. She waited for the impact of landing on the hard and cold floor... but she didn't feel anything. Curiously, she opened her eyes and instantly blushed again when she saw Vox holding her bridle style with a worried expression.

"Are you okay?"

She felt her heart beating so fast that she can hear it drumming. She nodded and stuttered. "Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine. T-Thank you."

He gently placed her back on her feet and angrily glared in Stella's direction, who is now gone.

"What a uptight bitch."

Charlie looked up at him and was about to say something until someone interrupted.

"Oh! Princess Charlie and Vox!"

They turned and saw Stolas, worried and apologetic.

"I apologize for her. She can be... too angry enough to care who is in her way."

Vox scoffed, "You mean she's too much of a bitch and only thinks of herself."

"If you put it that way, it sounds better."

The males chuckled.

"Now, I believe that you wanted something for" Stolas teased.

The tv overlord instantly blushed and the princess of hell giggled at the reaction he made.

"This is not a date. It's just a hang out, as friends."

He noticed how Stolas is checking out how his clothes are different and probably can smell the cologne as well.

"And don't you dare ask about the way I changed into this type of clothing and change of cologne." He crossed his arms annoyingly. "I already had the same talk and expression with Velvet and Angel Dust."

The male goetic demon prince laughed as he stepped aside to let them inside his place.

"Wasn't planning on it." He guided them to one of guest rooms and told them to wait in there until he comes back as he left.

Once the doors are closed, it turned into awkward silence between them a bit.

"So..." Vox broke the silence as he walked around the room. "How's your balance? " he quick glanced towards the door, mentioning about what happened outside.

Charlie quickly got the message as she replied "Excellent! At least all of Vaggie and Angel's hard work didn't get ruined."

He smiled and took her hand as he walked next to her, which made her heart jump. He noticed how she reacted and decided to tease her a little to make her laugh or blush with a smile.

"A good thing too or else all your grace and beauty would be ruined."

He succussed as she giggled and playfully punched him on the chest, pretending that he got hurt, he sat down on a near by couch and dragged her with him to sit next to him.

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