Chapter 15

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Over the past few days, after Vox was well enough to walk around and go back to work, everyone has been noticing how CLOSE he and Charlie are. The way they stare at each other and 'secretly' holding hands, well trying to be secretive.

To some demons, they though it was just after what happened that night they didn't feel like being alone without each other in case something like that happens again. To the rest of them, they thought it was something that they never imagine the tv overlord can have nor feel. Love. But they dared not to say it in front of him, so they kept that thought among themselves. Fearing that they'll get shocked or possibly killed.

Even all of Charlies friends started to notice during their dinner time. They saw how Vox and Charlie interact towards each other and how they quickly react when Emika makes a a small mess or coughs.

Her friends smiled at the scene before them. Picturing them as an actual family without them noticing. They're happy for them until...

"So, when is the wedding Vox?"

"ALASTOR!" Everyone yelled, making him only laugh.

They glared at him while Vox and Charlie's faces turned red as a tomato with annoying expressions.

"Tch, what about YOUR wedding with Angel Dust?" asked Vox, teasingly with a grin.

That made everyone gasp and laugh when they saw Alastor's face turned red as his suit and his smile faltered a bit that now caused the tv overlord and the princess of hell to laugh with the others. The only ones who are not laughing are Emika and Angel Dust.

Emika didn't know what exactly is going on, so she just shrugged her shoulders and continued to finish eating her food while Angel just stared at Alastor with mixed emotions.


That only made everyone, now including Angel, laughing again.

Vox took a few deep breaths from laughing so hard. "Ha, yeah right, now if you excuse us." He stood and took his, Emika's and Charlies empty plates and placed them near the rest of the empty plates as Charlie helped Emika off her chair and took her by the hand, waiting for Vox. When he walked over to stand next to them he turned his head over his shoulder and said. "We'll be back in an hour or so. Laters." With that, they left to go hang out somewhere for the day during their day off of work.

"Wonder where they're going this time." Wondered Vaggie, taking a sip from her soda.

"Probably somewhere that wasn't as bad as the other place they went the last time. Man, I also wonder who or what attacked them that night and did that to Vox."

Alastor watched the 'family' talking and laughing as they completely walked out of their view.

"Hmm. I'm also curious too, Husk. But I have a bad feeling that we'll find out someday... or sooner."

Everyone looked at each other, feeling concerned. Alastor's feelings are NEVER wrong. They always happen after he would say that he has a bad feeling like he does now...


They decided to go to the park that was less crowded so people won't 'spy' on them. Vox and Charlie sat on a bench while watching Emika go and play with the other children that seemed nice enough to hang and play with. They smiled when they saw her being kindly greeted by the children, along with their parents.

"At least she's not being rejected by these lot."

"Rejected? I think that it's kind of a hard word, Vox."

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