Chapter 10

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A week later, Emika started to feel better enough to talk and walk but Vox still insisted that she remained in bed for at least one more day, just to make sure she's completely fine. She complained a bit but Charlie also insisted but she did it with 'puppy eyes' style. Emika tried to resist but eventually gave in and agreed.

When Vox decided that Emika is well enough to be around the others, he thought about talking to Charlie about their hang out they have planned when Emika was sick. I mean he did say that he would take her somewhere as a 'thank you' gesture for her help. But he doesn't see it as a hang out, he sees it as something else... But he pushed that thought deep in his thoughts so he doesn't overthink about it to overload himself but he couldn't stop the feeling that is coming from his chest whenever he hears her voice and sees her bright smile.

As he walked up to her apartment door, he was hesitated at first but shook all his nervousness away. When he was about to knock, he heard something. He couldn't hear that good, so he leaned in closer to the door.

Another voice, another choice
To listen to words somebody said
Another day
I replay
One too many doubts inside my head

He froze when he hears her singing. He never heard her sing that beautiful before, the only time she sang was when she did that interview with Kate Killer that one time but now... she sounds like a siren.

Am I strong, beautiful
Am I good enough
Do I belong, after all
That I've said and done
Is it real, when I feel
I don't measure up
Am I loved

He noticed that her door is a tiny bit open. Being curious and wanting to listen more of her voice, he cracked it open quietly as he can to look inside.

I'm running to the One who knows me
Who made every part of me in His hands
I'm holding to the One who holds me
'Cause I know whose I am, I know who I am
I am sure, I am Yours

He saw her in the living room, sitting in one of her couches.. crying while singing. He didn't want to hear her cries and ruin the song so he knocked lightly, making her jump as she quickly wipe away all the tears she had or were about to come out. When she finished, she stood up and saw him with her door open leaning against the doorway.

"H-Hey Vox, what are doing?"

"I was coming to see if you want to plan our hang out that we talked about a week ago." Vox pushed himself off the doorway to stand straight. "But I didn't want to interrupt singing." He blushed a bit, trying to make no eye contact.

"You heard me singing didn't you."

He sighed. "Yes I did but I'm sorry if I did but-"

"It's okay... to be honest I'm glad that it was just you and not someone else or the others for that mater."

He got confused as to why she would hide such a beautiful singing voice. "Why? Do the others-"

"No! Um, I-I mean they wouldn't laugh at me or anything... it's just..."

She tried to explain her reasoning but she couldn't! So she sighed heavily and hid her face in her hands.

Vox wasn't sure if he should just enter without her permission or not, but when he saw her face in her hands and her shoulders shaking a bit, he thought that she is about to cry again. So, going against his thoughts of staying by the doorway, he walked over and sat next to her and gently place a friendly hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"... No, it's just... it's just a promise that I made with a dear friend of mine, who is like a second mother and a sister to me."

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