Chapter 17

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Constant as the stars above
Always know that you are loved
And my love shining in you
Will help you make your dreams come true
Will help your dreams come true

Vox started to tremble. He had to hold himself against the wall near the doorway.

The lamb lies down and rests its head
On its mother's downy bed
Dolphin plays in the moonlight's glow
And butterfly dreams of a violet rose
Dreams of a violet rose

He watched and saw his daughter starting to fall asleep as Charlie turned the lamp off on the bedstand and used magic to turn on the nightlight on the other side of the room.

I'll cradle you in my arms tonight
As sun embraces the moonlight
The clouds will carry our songs tonight
Our dreams will run deep like the sea
Our dreams will run deep like the sea

'H-How... How could she know that song? The one from my dreams! And she has the same style of necklace as mine!... Does she know what's possibly going on that she isn't telling me?' He thought angrily, making claw marks on the wall.

Constant as the stars above
Always know that you are loved
And my love shining in you
Will help you make your dreams come true
Will help your dreams come true 

As she finished the final piece of the song, she pulled up the covers and made sure that Emika is completely covered and warm before gently kissed her forehead and saying 'goodnight and sweet dreams' before leaving the room.

Charlie glanced over at the sleeping child and smiled, quietly closing the door... not noticing a certain overlord, hidden in the shadows behind the door that was opened. When she turned to walk down the hall to leave, she noticed the light from his tv face as he walked right behind her.

"Where did you hear that song?"


She was going to punch whoever said that but instantly calmed down when she saw that it's only him.

"Oh! Vox." She whispered while catching her breath.

"You scared me. I thought that you were-"

"Where did you hear that song?"


"The one you sang to Emika."

'He must be talking about THAT song.'

"Oh." She smiled. "That song? I've... actually learned it from somewhere."

Not entirely convinced, he crossed his arms over his chest and looked upset.


"Ya! I just happen to went at a nice club that does karaoke and they had this song on their list."

Then she started to smile nervously when he looked like he didn't believe her. Which he didn't and made more pissed then upset.

"Really? Which club? Since I literally know ALL of them."

She stayed silent, panicking on the inside of what to do next... but couldn't think of anything!

'Crap! I forget that he, Valentino and Velvet would go to every club whenever they hang out!'

With a heavy sigh, she came to a decision to do what is right.


"In the living room." He harshly grabbed her arm as he pulled her to the living room. "NOW."

"OW! Vox, your hurting me!"

As soon as they entered the living room, he pushed her towards one of the couches and told her to sit. She rubbed her arm while sitting down with her head down and her bangs covering her eyes.

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