Chapter 22

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I ran after her to try to get her off, but all my running wasn't enough, she skated through the double doors of the jazz club and into the gift shop where she crashed into the pyramid of spicy Barbeque Sauce. I finally caught up to her just as she was getting up and saw that her brother had come along too. "Lisa, you've got to be more careful. I need you to teach me all about the world of juzz." Bart said only thinking of himself and his new music career. I looked at him with anger at his selfishness as Lisa screamed, "It's jazz! Jazz!" Poor Lisa then started sobbing. "You don't even know the name of the thing you are stealing from me." She said to him.

"Come on Lisa let's go get you cleaned up," I said as I tried to lead her to the bathroom in the gift shop so she wouldn't be embarrassed in front of the jazz musicians. Unfortunately, Skinny and Marbles heard the commotion and we're already here witnessing everything. Skinny was chuckling and said, "Bart, you're so steady on those skins, we're gonna call you "Tic Tock"." "Oh—I always wanted a jazz nickname," Lisa told them. "Fine. We'll call you, uh...Downbeat. 'Cause you bringin' us down." Marbles said. Lisa groaned in embarrassment, "That is the most unfair..." "Downbeat, Downbeat, please. We're shooting the breeze with Tick Tock." Marbles said to Lisa so they wouldn't have to listen to her talk anymore. "Oh, man, I am so juzzed." Bart said chuckling.

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