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I just don't trust Elena anymore and I started noticing that Anastasia is very advanced for her age. I noticed she stays away from Elena, like she is frightened of her. I don't think she has hit her or anything, but I don't plan on Anastasia being here long. She definitely needs a better home environment than ours. I started noticing that Elena has been sending her to get things for her like the little thing is a servant. I call the caseworker and ask that she place Anastasia elsewhere and tell them that my wife is not able to handle such a young child. Elena was mad at first, but I will not have her use these poor foster children as her personal servant. Especially a three year old. Soon her bags are packed and I hide her books inside the suitcases she left with.

I watch as the caseworker removes Anastasia from our home and she is taking two suitcases with her. I stop them and ask how she has two suitcases and insists she opens both before she leaves to show she didn't steal from us. Richard was very angry and told me some were books that he bought for the girl and I was proven wrong and look at the books and I can't believe the books she has and had her prove to me she could even read them. She opens up one and reads the first paragraph perfectly. I demand she do it with another book and she does it as well. The caseworker has had enough of my berating a three year old. So has Richard and they close the suitcases up after I emptied them both out.

Couldn't believe the child didn't steal from you or could read those books, you paid no attention to her at all, until you needed her to go fetch for you like a servant. I think you are done with your foster care, because I don't think they would be treated any better than you treated Anastasia. Did you ever hit her Elena? If you did they will know about it soon. She lies to me about hitting Anastasia and I saw it in her eyes. The caseworker did let me know there was a bruise on Anastasia in the form of a hand on her backside. I assured her we were never going to foster any more children after this. I told her that my wife had to have done it during one of my business trips. She is pressing charges against Elena after Anastasia told her about what she did to her. I guess she just got mad and hit Anastasia because she was there. She should spend time behind bars after hitting that sweet tiny little girl that hard. She could easily have broken her bones.

I plead guilty and I am expected to go to anger management and I will be on probation for a year along with community service. They put me on trash pick up along the highway. They told me to dress casually and leave the heels home. I got a thousand hours after I made comments to the judge. It was two hundred hours, but I was so mad at him for thinking a refined lady such as myself should ever be required to pick up trash from anywhere as community service. He then upped it to a thousand hours by the time he was done and had me sit in jail for 48 hours.

Judge Sam McCreary
I can't fathom what goes through peoples minds when they hit such a sweet tiny child like Anastasia. I couldn't believe how articulate she was and verified her age once more. She was very clear about how she was injured and why and who. I asked if anyone had her tested before and she told me the original foster parents did, I look at the report and I make recommendations that she be placed in a foster home that we know will assure she is placed in a school for advanced children. The caseworker told me she knows of a few but will need to see if they want to after what happened to their last charge. It made the newspapers and it wasn't their fault, but they had no idea about the boys father being alive and a killer. He kidnapped the boy from school and they aren't sure what happened to him after that. Missing persons reports were everywhere.

Jason Taylor
We are approached to foster a three year old child who was removed from her last placement because she had been abused. She needs a safe home and she apparently is a genius and will need advanced educational assistance. Gail and Sophie will be thrilled about this. But I ask if their are any family members around and they tell me what they know and I recall the story about two young women in the same day being found at opposite ends of Seattle downtown both dead after giving birth.

I am just waiting to meet this young girl and in walks the smallest three year old I ever saw. She has two suitcases and her caseworker introduces her to us and I can't believe how well spoken she is for her age. Sophie is asking her questions and she has no idea what shows Sophie is talking about. We unpack her suitcases and one is full of books and she hides them under her bed. I lead her to the bookshelf with books for her age. I notice the books are not kids books at all. I ask her if she can read these and she tells me she does all the time. All of us are amazed until I ask her if she knows how to write as well? She tells us she knows how to write as well.

Anastasia didn't know what the children's movies were and had never seen any of them, she didn't know what a tv was. She has read everyone of the books she brought with her. I might need her help in doing homework.

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