A Fall From Grace

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I listen to Phyllis whine about her lost company and I think, you stupid witch you list your company because you did nothing to keep it running in the fast paced world of today. You didn't want to invest in updating anything at all. You lost all your great people to other companies when they got educated on new equipment and left you for a better job and company. I lost my job because I stole bad information and didn't check it out prior to giving it to my now defunct company because they lost their butts by making purchases without checking themselves if the numbers were right. They heard that I stole them from Roz Bailey of GEH and promoted me.

I don't know what I am most angry over, Cameron thinking she is owed a job because we were together at one time, or because I will have literally nothing but the two million dollars I will have after my debts are paid off. That will take two months to get the final tallies. I have barely a hundred thousand dollars in the bank and I am behind on my mortgage. Grey offered to buy the house as well, I should have taken his offer. Now this deadbeat is taking me to my home and I have no cars left to drive because Grey took possession of them in the sale of the company. They technically belong to the company. The house is tricky and once Grey starts digging further I will be out of my home as well. We arrive at the gate and my code won't work. A security guard opens the walk in gate and checks who is in the car. He hands me the papers taking possession of my home and the things inside it, except for the wardrobe boxes and everything I own clothing wise. My jewelry is kept except a few costume pieces that I bought on my dime. The rest of it was purchased by my company and as such is owned by Grey now. No wonder Roz had a huge smile on her face as she waved goodbye at me. She knew that I would no longer have a place to sleep at night, just as she experienced when I cheated on her with Cameron and Connor. It was my place at the time. Her luck she and Grey were in negotiations for her to come work for him permanently in Seattle. She worked free lance for GEH until that night and she signed on as his COO and left for Seattle that night. The next morning her things were boxed up and taken away to Seattle. I barely had anything left in my house after she took everything she owned and left. I never saw her except events she had to attend and she refused to speak to me. I became the outcast in the business world. Cheating is one thing, but cheating with two at the same time makes it far worse. But I was in the moment and it was great. Look where I am now. Roz gave me excellent advice on how to handle things, everything went to pot when she stop talking to me. Today I saw the newspaper about Connor taking over my position and he will be running the New York offices of Sterling until it is rebranded to GEH. I tried to get in to see him, but it is a big fat no. The penthouse had the codes changed and the locks were changed. My things were waiting for me there. Cameron let me stay the night, but told me to get a storage unit for my things and find my own place to live. Now I have to get my things from all three places. I had to hire moving people and get a dump somewhere. I get the cheapest place I can and have my things moved in and it cost me three thousand dollars just to get my things moved to the dump I now live in. Seven thousand dollars and I am in the place. It's on a bus line and I bought a bus pass. Cameron helped me get everything unpacked. She said it was her way of paying it forward after all the bad she has done. It made me feel guilty and then it passed.

I don't know why I am helping her after everything that she has costs me, but I made the choice and knew it would hurt Roz but I did it anyway. I called Roz to come meet me at Phyllis house and knew what she would walk in on knowing Phyllis like I did. Conor didn't hesitate to have a three way with us. I mean we both have hit bodies and he has skills in the bedroom. Hell he has a lot of skills. Why did I do any of the things I did to Roz and I just can't understand it. I think I need to see a psychiatrist because I just don't like me anymore. Now I need to find a job and I don't know how to end this thing with Phyllis amicably. I personally don't think there is a way. We get everything done and I drive her to get groceries, she can't cook, but she makes a good salad.

Roz has been very quiet about New York, so I let her be alone in her mind so she can heal whatever it is. We got Connor Armstrong to guide the Sterling company into the here and now. New everything us being installed, Barney is overseeing things and taking Jessie with him along with his little IT children. No doubt his children will know technology before they go to pre school.

I got word from Evie about what she has heard about Cameron and Phyllis, I listen because we want to keep Evie as an employee. When I found out she was working at Sterling I looked over her employee files and Phyllis was holding her back and she should have been promoted several times.

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