Part 25

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Jimmy stood there beside Justin, Bradley and Higgins as he waited for Mary to walk down the aisle. Everybody became quiet when the music started playing.

The song that started to play was Norah Jones' Turn Me On, it was one of Mary's favorite songs. To everybody's surprise, Norah Jones was the one singing the song beside the stage.

As Mary walks down the aisle, she was overwhelmed by Norah, not by Jimmy which had everybody laughing for a while. Jimmy looked at her bride, she never looked more beautiful. He still couldn't believe that she found her and now marrying the woman he always wanted.

Mary tried hard not to cry but as soon as she saw Jimmy's tears, she couldn't help herself. He looked amazing in his perfectly fitted suit, he had his parents on his side which made her even more happy. She knew from the start that he was the only one she'd marry.

It was all in slow motion, the clapping, the people and their smiles, but most of all, every second that Mary walked towards Jimmy, he tried to intake everything. Every single detail, he didn't want to miss anything.

As soon as she reached his side, Mary kissed her parents, Jimmy took Mary from their hands, he smiled at them. Her father's smile was surprisingly genuine. By that, Jimmy was happy.

"Gosh, you are breath taking." Jimmy whispered into the ear of his soon-to-be-wife

Mary turned her head to Jimmy's direction and smiled. "So are you."

Everyone took their seats and quietly watched as the ceremony officially begins..

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, in this beautiful place, to witness two beautiful people, James and Mary, to be united through marriage..."

"I betcha look even more beautiful without that dress." Jimmy whispered.

"Stop it, Jim!" Mary said, gently slapping Jimmy's hand while she sneaks out a smile.

"If anyone here has something to say why this two should not be married, please come forth now or forever hold your piece..."

Jimmy and Mary looked at their guests. "Of course no one objects." Jimmy said.

"Very well, we now proceed to the vows." The officiator said.

"I'll go first." Jimmy volunteered. His palms were sweating. He dries them up with the use of his pocket inside his pants' pocket.

He took out a small piece of paper from his tux, it's a yellow sheet of paper with plenty of writings. He sighed and decided to just throw it away. I don't need no idiot paper for my wedding vows. He said to himself.

He held her hands and began stating his vows:

"Mary, the first time I saw you, I was with another girl. I knew that there was something about you already, something special. So, I had to let her go if it meant having you instead. But Mary, I vow to be faithful to you. I never cheated on anyone, especially not with you. I vow to always TRY to make you happy even if sometimes we fight over small things. I vow to tell you everything that is with worth. I vow to never lie to you. I vow to always be your hero and protector. I vow to be a good father to our children. I vow to provide you with everything I could. I vow to be a great partner to you for as long as I could. I vow to take care of you when you're sick and cranky. I vow to love you and cherish you for life. I vow to give you my everything from this day on. I love you Mary." Jimmy said, he was watching Mary's eyes water up. Everyone was in awe, taking pictures and sharing a tear with Mary and Jimmy.

"I never knew that you were that famous when I met you, I didn't care if you weren't anyway because to me you are amazing and great just as you are. You are insanely good looking and you smell great, you dress up fine and you are always smiling which I love the most about you. And today, I have the honor of being married to an amazing man, a wonderful friend and the best cook. Jim, I vow only three things to you. I vow to be loyal to you for the rest of my life. I vow to be truthful in everything and I vow to love you with everything that I have to give. I love you, my friend, my hero, my love." After she finished her vows, her eyes were already filled with tears and can no longer hold more, so Jimmy took out his handkerchief and dabbed it across Mary's face. Everyone clapped as they both ended their vows to each other.

Justin handed the rings to Jim and they exchange commitments while putting it in each other's fingers.

"James Thomas Fallon, do you take Mary Beatrice Stewart to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health, through life and death?" The officiator asked the happy groom.

"I do." Jimmy said and turned to his bride.

"Mary Beatrice Stewart, do you take James Thomas Fallon to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, through life and death?" He asked.

"I do." Mary said, she gripped Jimmy's hand.

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride." With that, everyone applauded. Jimmy focused on his wife as he lifts off her veil and kissed her for the first time as his wife.

"I love you, Mrs. Fallon." Jimmy said.

"I love you too, Mr. Fallon." Mary said.

Jimmy lifter her hands and showed it to everybody. "I'm married!!!!" Jimmy proudly shouted to everyone who was there.


Update. I know laaame update. Forgive me lol

And shoutout to those people who are always commenting on each chapter!!! I love you guys, you know who you are!!! 😘😘😘😘

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