Part 9

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"It's so refreshing to meet someone that doesn't know who I am." Said Jimmy as he tries to keep his eyes on the road.

"I'm really sorry. I just don't watch that much TV. But movies, that's what takes up most of my time." She said.

"Movies huh? What's your favorite then?" He asked taking a second to look at her.

"Well, I have a lot of favorites but Taxi Driver is just so good. And De Niro is amazing, I love him." She said.

Jimmy pulled the car over to the side. Mary didn't know what was happening until he started to do something funny with his face but then later on she realized, he was doing a De Niro impression.

"You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me?" Said Jimmy with his best De Niro impression.

Mary bursts out laughing. She had a few tears. Jimmy bursts out laughing too.

"That was so good." Said Mary.

"I love De Niro, I mean he's the greatest!" Jimmy said starting the engine again.

Mary watched as Jimmy drives the car. She's observing every single detail of him. The way his hand touches the wheel, his hair is not neatly combed which she liked, his eyes....his smile. This made Mary smile.

"Why are you smiling?" Said Jimmy.

"Keep your eyes on the road." She said. Jimmy did keep his eyes on the road.

"No, really, why?" He asked. He was so eager to know what she was thinking about.

"I don't know. You're funny and very nice." She said politely.

Jimmy started smiling too and bit the corner of his lip. He felt that he was starting to blush. Those simple compliments from her makes him feel so good. "You bring it out in me."

Mary bowed her head. She doesn't want Jimmy to see that she was smiling again. She really likes him. She wants him.

"All right. We're here!" Said Jimmy and turned off the engine.

Mary looked outside and saw a huge building beside her. "What are we doing here?" She asked.

"This is where I work." He said.

"Oh." She said. She thought they we're going to have dinner. She was so hungry.

"Come on." He said as he opened the car door for her and offered his hand for help.

Jimmy waved at the security man beside the concierge. "Up." He said.

"Everything's good." The man said.

They rode the elevator for a while. As she steps out, she noticed that there weren't anyone there on that floor. "You're not gonna kill me aren't you?" She asked.

"Probably." He joked.

He guided her through the hallways, slightly placing his hand behind her back.

As they entered the room, she saw a spotlight hitting the stage directly. "Oh my god, who's playing?" She asked innocently.

"This is where I shoot my show." He mentioned.

"Oh. Cool." She commented.

Jimmy walked to the table near him and grabbed a remote control and opened another light which showed a table, arranged well, candle lights and all.

Mary walked closer to the table and she saw boxes of McDonald's take outs. "Nice touch."

"Thanks. I always take girls out to fancy restaurants on our first date, but I want to be different with you." He said.

Mary felt her cheeks heat up. They we're slightly turning red. Jimmy guided Mary and let her sit, he then went around the table and let himself sit.

"This is out first date and I want it to somehow be romantic and different. So......Michael!" He shouted.

A tall man got out of the curtains, revealing himself as Michael Bublé.
Mary's eyes widened, she was a huge fan of him. "What the fuck?" She blurted out.

"I noticed that your restaurant plays Bublé songs all the time so, I thought you like him, I asked him to sing for us as we have our dinner." He said.

"Are you kidding me? I can't focus on you if he's here. I think I peed myself." She said.

"Hey, Jimmy and Mary, enjoy." He said. Two people came out too with a guitar and an egg shaker.

"This is amazing. This is really overwhelming." Said Mary who was still shaking.

Jimmy held her hand tightly. "Calm down. He's real." He teased.

"Jimmy, It's too much." She noted.

"For you it isn't." He said as he looked into her eyes.

For the first time, Mary felt that she was worth something. She didn't know this guy that much, she only know that he's pretty famous being friends with Michael Bublé and all. She was so happy. Finally, she was the one who's cared for.


So busy with school. Just a short update :)

Hope you guys enjoy!

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