Part 29

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Jimmy's POV

It was 7:30 in the morning, she was still sleeping, I thought about telling her the place I bought in Malibu. She said she always liked the beach and well, I had this friend who was selling his place in Malibu, so I decided to just buy it since it was literally a Beach front house. I've been hiding it to her for several months now and I guess now is the right time to tell her.

I was just about to have my last sip of coffee when I heard her coming down to the kitchen.

"Good morning, honey." She gently said, I noticed she was still sleepy. She reached for my head and kissed me on my lips.

"No more morning sickness?" I asked.

"Not feeling it yet." She said.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked her. Chyeah, like I know how to properly cook!

"I want like a really really really big breakfast today!" She screamed out like a little girl wanting to go to the park.

Before I could say yes...

"And I've been dying to go to the beach!!!"

My mind literally exploded. What are the odds? It's like our brain was wired together or something like that. Right there, I knew it was the right time.

"Let's go to Malibu!" I said.

"Really?" That's when she got really excited.

"Come on let's pack."


I held her hand as I drive with my left hand, I felt so happy and excited to show her our house. Her dream house. I gripped her hand tighter.

We arrived at JFK before I could even say "Wonderful". I carried her bags and mine, we snuck at the back of the airport and into the plane. Few people smiled at us and some said "Hi.".

"Can I have the window seat?" She said. She was so cute.

"Of course, hon. When will I ever get to have the window seat though?" I said.

"Are you complaining, tough guy?" Her squinted her eyes like she wants a fight.

I held my arms up high in a type of surrender. "No, maam." I smiled and she smiled back.

We waited for the plane to take off, as soon as it took off, she fell asleep. I stared at her most of the flight, she looked so peaceful and serene.

"Honey, wake up, we landed already." I said, tapping her shoulders slightly.

"Mmm. I had a nice dream." She gently whispered as she stretched her arms.

"What was it about?" I asked.

"That we were already at the beach with our son." She said.

"Really? A son?" I said ecstatically.

"Yeah. I was kinda happy that it was a boy, I hoped for a girl before but having a boy seemed like fun but whatever, a girl or a boy I don't really care." She said.

"Me too, but y'know I'm slightly hoping to have a boy." I said.

"Let's see babe."


As soon as we got off the cab I told her to close her eyes, she was very obedient and excited.

"We're just a few steps, honey." I whispered. Our house was just behind the big house along the road.

"What's with the eyes closing, Jim? I've seen Malibu several times." She said.

"Just hold on." I said. And after a few more small steps, I saw the humble duplex I bought from my friend, It had many glass walls and bricks which I really liked. "You can open your eyes now."

I looked at her as she gently opens her beautiful eyes. Her eyes grew bigger even though I haven't revealed anything to her yet. "What a beautiful
House." She said.

"I know. It's ours." I said.

With that, her face grew red with excitement, her hands on top of her mouth, her eyes near tears as she said with a cracking voice "Are you serious?"

I nodded. I was so happy to just watch her. It was priceless. "Come on, let's take a look inside."

She pulled my hands as she drags me to the door where she took the keys and figured out how to unlock our new home, she opened the lights and it revealed a beautiful set up of furniture. I was also surprised, I asked my agent to fix everything up and she did a pretty good job.

Mary checked everything out, all three rooms, the kitchen and the library, and took my hands again as she opens the sliding door, the cool breeze blew into my face, it was an amazing feeling.

"Oh my goodness, Jim, this is incredible." She said as she marvels at the sunset.

I agree, it was an incredible view.

"Thank you." She said.

"Anything for you, my love, anything." I said as I kissed her forehead and hugged her.

We both watched the salmon colored sky and the sun as it disappears into the beach, I held her across me, nobody said anything. It was peaceful, the silent noise that the breeze made and the strong but gentle waves, it was wonderful and I was with the love of my life. I looked at the almost dark sky, thinking, I can't wait to see our baby and show him this wonderful view. I can't wait to be a father.


Short update!

Hope you guys liked it. ❤️

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