Part 13

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The room went silent when Jimmy and Mary entered the restaurant. All eyes were fixed on them. "What?" She asked. All her friends were like statues.

"Okay....everybody, this is Jimmy, Jimmy meet everybody." Mary said slightly shouting at everyone.

"Hi." Jimmy said.

And everyone went nuts. "Oh my god, it is him!!" "It's Jimmy Fallon from Late Night!!!!"

"Guys, calm down! It's my birthday." Said Mary.

Jimmy laughed. Mary looked adorable as she tries to stop everybody from harassing Jimmy.

After introducing him to each of her friends, Mary decided to go out and get soma air. "All right. I'll be here when you get back." Jimmy said.

Mary went out the restaurant and she saw someone coming straight to her direction. It was Caleb. She didn't know what to do.

"Happy birthday, Mary." Caleb said. "I didn't come to cause any trouble." He said.

"Oh. Okay." She said.

"I just want you to know that I'm still not over you. I'm trying. Trust me. It's hard but I'm trying." He said.

Mary just looked at him. She wanted to say something but she couldn't find the right words to say to him.

"Here." Caleb said, handing Mary a box.

"What's this." She asked.

"I was going to propose to you the other day when I went into your house and Jimmy was there. I thought, I just thought that you're.....ahh, never mind. I didn't want to throw it or sell it so there." He said.

She was confused. She opened the box and it revealed a beautiful diamond ring. She felt tears streaming down her face. She became even more confused.

She didn't know what to do. She leaped into Caleb's arms and kissed him. She wanted to kiss him. She wanted it to be the last. She felt that she needed to feel it before finally letting go.

"It's been ten minutes. Where is she?" Jimmy asked himself. He decided to go out and look for her. As he stepped out, he immediately saw Mary and Caleb kissing. It broke his heart. He was taken back. He felt betrayed and played.

"Jimmy, I was just..." Caleb said.

"Save it." Jimmy said. He was getting pissed.

Mary was frozen at her place. "Jimmy..."

"It's fine. I just want you to be happy today. That's all I was thinking about all day. I wanted to make you happy. I just didn't know that he's still the one you wanted. Good bye, Mary." Jimmy said before turning his back on them.

Mary couldn't move. She wants to scream but no sound was coming out of her mouth. "Mary." Caleb said, touching her shoulders.

"Just leave, Caleb. I'm sorry." She said and entered the restaurant.

Jimmy just sat at his car without turning the engine on. He held on to the steering wheel tightly, releasing his anger. "Aghhhh!!!" He finally screamed and decided to just go home and planned to get very drunk as he tries to forget about Mary.


How's everyone doing???? :)

Thanks to the few people who are reading this fan fic! You're my inspiration!!! And thanks for supporting my stories although sometimes there are many grammatical errors. Hehe!!! I'll keep it up next time.


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