Part Eight

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"I swear, she's different." Said Jimmy.

"Man, you always say that when you're eyeing on a new chick." Justin said.

"I know but I swear, this one got me speechless. She's different. She's funny. She likes beer." Jimmy said pointing out different things about Mary.

"What about Chelsea though? Is she okay with the break up?" Justin asked while finishing his coffee and throwing the cup into the near trash can.

"She's totally cool and mature about it which kind of surprised me. But then, I'm not complaining. I don't know what to do with Mary to get to her. I just want her man, you know, really really badly." Jimmy said. He was getting a bit hyper.

"Chill down, man. You're Jimmy Fallon, trust me, she's dying to be with you." Justin said.

"That's what I'm worried about man. I don't think she knows who I am before I walked into her restaurant. It's very refreshing actually." Jimmy said.

"Well, that's a problem. But hey, I believe in you, man. Getting girls are easy, staying in the relationship is hard. You're worrying about the easy part. Damn." Justin said.

"You're right. I'm over thinking. I just want everything to work out perfectly with Mary. Uh. Her smile. Jesus!" Jimmy said.

"You better bring your A-game man. Anyways, got to go. Thanks for the coffee. We still on for Saturday?" Asked Justin.

Jimmy gave him a nod and off went Justin.


Jimmy decided to call Mary up after he had finished the meeting with the writers and producers.

"Hey." He heard Mary said. She seemed kinda off.

"Are you okay? Is this a bad time?" Jimmy sounded worried.

"No, I mean, Er, I'm kinda sick." She said. She did sound sick. Her nose sounded clogged up.

"Oh, darn, are you at work?" He asked.

"I'm actually at home, but if you want to eat at the restaurant, it's open. My staff's there." She said.

"Are you going to be okay by yourself?" He asked.

"I can manage." She said.

"Okay." Said Jimmy.

Jimmy went straight to the restaurant. He wasn't planning on eating or anything. He was planning on something. He put on his sunglasses and walked inside.

Everybody looked at him. He gave out smiles to everyone who was calling him out.

"Good evening, sir, er, Mr. Fallon, what could we do for you?" Marge asked. She was stiff as a tree. She couldn't move.

"I know this might sound strange but do you know where Mary lives, I called her and she told me she was sick. I didn't want to ask her where she lives, she might not want me to see her sick. But I need to go and take care of her." Said Jimmy.

Marge's eyes widened. "Called her? Wait-what? How did you even get her number?" She asked.

"She kind of gave it to me." He said.

"Are you like seeing Mary? Wait, aren't you dating Chelsea the Model?" Marge asked.

"Well, no, not yet. But with Chelsea, Uh, we broke up already." Jimmy answered Marge.

"Oh. Well....okay." Said Marge.

Jimmy snapped his fingers in front of Marge's face. "So, uh, the address? Can I have it?"

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