Part 17

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"I think I love her, man." Jimmy said, pouring himself a cup of freshly brewed coffee after today's taping.

"Good for you, then." Higgins said. "It's been a while since you're like this. She really got you, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess so. She just makes me feel so happy and special. She makes me laugh more than I do to her. Imagine that! She's the best! Ah! Higgins, I'm so overwhelmed by her." Jimmy gushed over her and Higgins patiently watched.

"I'm happy for you. I don't want to go back to that time when you were so depressed and sad! Man!" Higgins said.

"That was so long ago! I was only 29! I'm turning 40 in a few months! I was so stupid and naive. Time heals you know." Jimmy said, remembering what had happened to him before.

"Don't ever be that sad again, will you?" Higgins asked.

"I'll try." And Jimmy put on a big smile.

Flashback 2003

"Don't you think it's too soon?" Kate asked.

"We're in love with each other right?" Jimmy asked her, holding her cold hands.

"Yeah." She hesitated.

"So, let's get married! I'm earning a lot right now with SNL and I can give you a life that is great! Come on Kate." He practically begged her. That was how he proposed to her.

"Okay, Jim. I will marry you." Kate said and Jimmy jumped in and hugged her. He was happy. He was so in love with her, they've been dating for 3 years and Jimmy always said that she was the one.

On the day of their wedding, Jimmy woke up at 4 am. Fuck! I'm so excited! He got out of bed, had breakfast. He couldn't wait to marry her.

He called up Lorne.

"Hey man, excited?" Lorne asked in his soft voice, he was woken up by Jimmy's calling.

"I am!!!! I'm marrying the girl of my dreams! I've never been this in love before." He said.

"Well, all right. Is there anything you needed?" Lorne asked.

"Nope! See you later, pal!" With that Jimmy ended the short phone call.

The wedding's not until 3 pm and he's already in his suit at 12 noon. He was literally jumping up and down.

"Jim?" Higgins knocked.

"Come in." Jimmy said.

"Wow, you dressed up early." Higgins said as he carefully places his suit on the couch.

"I can't help it. I'm getting married!" Jimmy shouted and smiled.

2:45 PM The wedding was about to start. Everyone was there, Tina and Amy came in with their escorts who were much younger than them, the cast of SNL, Kevin Spacey, Robert De Niro, everyone was there.

"Is she here already?" Jimmy asked Lorne.

"Her car isn't here yet. She was supposed to be here at 2. She hasn't even checked in." Lorne said.

"Maybe she's stuck in traffic." Jimmy said. His hands were sweating.

3:30 PM

Everyone was talking to each other. Jimmy was no where to be found. Kate still isn't here. Everyone was scared.

"Jimmy! The fuck are you doing there?" Higgins said, he found Jimmy at the back of the church.

"I'm waiting for her here. We used to fool around here, she thought it was funny." Jimmy said and smiled, it was soon replaced by a frown.

"She'll come." Higgins said and joined Jimmy.

5 PM

Several people left already, the cast stayed behind, wanting to accompany Jimmy.

He started crying again. "She's not coming isn't she?" He asked.

"I don't know, Jim." Tina said.

"I remembered when I asked her to marry me, she wasn't even happy. I should've known." Jimmy said, as he wiped the remaining tears off of his face.

"It's okay, Jim, we're here." Amy said and smiled at him.

"Thanks, A." Jimmy said. "I can't believe she's not coming. I don't think I'm ever getting over her. She's the love of my life and she left me. I look like a joke."

"Nah, Jim! You're not! Be strong, we'll help you. Come on, let's get a drink!" Said Higgins and with that they all went to Jimmy's place and decided to get drunk as much as they can.


"Jim? Jimmy?" He stopped and blinked his eyes, hearing Higgins' voice.

"Yeah?" Jimmy asked.

"We're about to start." Higgins said.

"Cool. I'm ready. I'm so ready." Jimmy said and punched the air a few times before walking out to the stage, with the audience clapping at the background.




Hey guys if you know some Scandal, House of Cards or Suits fan fic. Hit me up! I would like to read some :)

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