♡ Thoughts ♡

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I'm going to change this chapter into what the BLLK characters think of you cause honestly I wasn't happy with what this chapter was previously. I felt like I didn't do or give it my all and that it wasn't even funny like how I intended it to be. I'm kinda struggling with Otoya's personality but I'll try to not make him to OOC. For those who are just now reading this then you can ignore this little note. 




He really admires you and finds you deathly attractive. He was surprised someone as famous as you was on the same team as him. He fell hard for your smile especially when you offered your hand to him that one time. He had to stop himself from staring at your thighs since it would be awkward if he got caught.


He likes hanging out with you and enjoys your presence. He thinks your really pretty and strong. The amount of joy he felt when you dodged his attacks beautifully is indescribable. He was surprised at how flexible you were even though he himself is pretty flexible it wasn't the same. He's sad your not on the same team currently and is waiting for the perfect opportunity to tell Rin what you told him.


He admires your strength and patience. He was speechless at the sight of your god like features. He likes your snarky remarks and when your really egotistical it get's him going you know. He really wants to bite your neck but refuses to, thinking it'd be weird. He likes that you can be very heroic in their times of need and misses you.


He enjoyed doing aftercare with you and was inspired to continue soccer cause of you. He's happy you never looked at him with disdain even after telling you his darkest secret. He's glad that he got to meet you and if he didn't he probably wouldn't be here still.  He also misses you and the little hangouts you guy's would have after games sometimes or the random conversations.


He was deeply moved when you said he didn't need to rely on Nagi all the time. He did some serious thinking and concluded you were right and it was bound to happen. Instead he would focus on being able to see you again and not about Nagi in fact he was fed up with Nagi. He didn't need a treasure when he was all he needed and you of course. You were something he absolutely refused to give up on something irreplaceable.


He misses you and complains about when he can see you again constantly. The first time you guys met he didn't think much of it thinking you'd forget about him soon but it was the opposite. You never forgot about him and constantly took him to go do something. Nagi wasn't interested in soccer when you asked if he wanted to try but really he was. He just enjoyed watching you play day dreaming of him playing with you too.


He loves you and cares for you alot. Your his precious younger twin brother he must protect! He's sad and mad at himself for the times he would lash out at you after what Sae did knowing it wasn't your fault. His number one goal is to see you happy even if it means giving you a free point but not without a fight he won't. He's grateful to have you as his brother and know's that you love him just as much. He's annoyed at your decision to not join him since your the only one worthy of playing with him.

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