𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬

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The happy family finally left the hospital and were currently in their car driving home when the newly born twins started to act up after sleeping for a long time. With a smile on her face their mother Hayami Itoshi leaned over to unbuckle her second born Rin who was crying very loudly possibly from hunger. She opened her bag that was filled with baby things and took out a baby bottle filled with milk and put it in Rin's mouth calming the boy as he began to drink. Now with the needier baby taken care of she could focus on her youngest who had tears threatening to spill but did not cry only whine. 

She was perplexed at first but soon but Rin back in his baby seat after he was finished and burbed and unbuckled her youngest and gave him the other bottle she had prepared in advance. Once he was finished drinking his milk she put the bottle away and gently patted his back as she had done to Rin previously and waited for him to burp before putting him right next to his older twin brother in his seat. They were nearing their house as the light had just turned green and as for her first born son Sae, he was sleeping soundly leaning against the car door. Hayami just chuckled at the scene as she turned to her husband Daiki itoshi who was busy driving. 

She never would have imagined this would be how her life turned out but was not disappointed at all if anything she loved her life. She loved her husband and her sons, her job everything really because her life was absolutely perfect...at least that's what she thought.

Pulling into their driveway she unbuckled her seat belt ready to carry Sae to his room so he could at least sleep comfortably. After turning off the car they got out as she proceeded to open the door and unbuckle Sae and pick him up as her husband went to get the twins. She climbed up the stairs and opened Sae's door and gently laid him down but to her surprise he grabbed onto her. "I'm not tired! I want to play with the babies!!" Was what Sae had said as he pouted cutely at her. 

"You can play with them later they need to rest." Hayami responded as Sae seemed to think before agreeing as he leaned back and covered himself with his blanket. "Okay but you promise?" He asked as he looked up at her waiting for her answer. "Yup! Pinky promise!" She said entwining their pinkie's. Sae closed his eyes and fell asleep telling Hayami she could leave now to check up the twins.

"How are they?" She asked as Daiki turned to her with a smile as she walked to him. "They're sound asleep." He responded as they both looked down at the twins sleeping in their crib holding hands. Hayami squealed at their adorableness as she took her phone out to take a picture. Yup her prefect family which consisted of Her, Daiki, her first born son Sae, her second born Rin and her baby, her youngest M/N.


✧Time Skip 2 years later ✧


The twins were now 2 years old and their big brother 4 years old. It wasn't really eventful except for when they had their first steps and Rin tripped and fell and started balling while M/N sat down and started to laugh at him alerting their mother of what happened. Then there was their first words Rin's first word happened when both of their parents were in another room and Sae was watching them. Sae was playing with a soccer ball and he had rolled it to Rin who proceeded to say "Ball!" and pat it. Sae didn't even realize Rin spoke until he started repeating it over and over again causing Sae's eyes to widen as he smiled and started to yell for their parents.

Obviously Hayami and Daiki were both disappointed they weren't there to hear it but had hope in their youngest. They were thrilled Rin spoke though as they (Sae, Hayami and Daiki) proceeded to say ball again and again as Rin would repeat it. Hayami eventually took a video of it to remember and M/N was just clapping his hands enjoying what was occurring around him even though he didn't understand.

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