Should I join them?

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Your POV:

After the chase, I landed in the dirt, landing on my body. It kind of the most hurtful landing but I turned to Skipp with his head in the dirt and with body sticking up in the air, I gave a painful face expression to him, and I also feel bad. Vinnie came in front of me "Hay, Are you alive...or dead?" I looked my head up at Vinnie with a "Are to kidding me" expression. "Oh, never mind." Vinnie realized. Then felt like someone trying to pick me up, and it was Stone with his cold arms. I looked at him, I smiled softly, but he turned away, only I knew how read his face was. "Alright, It's time to hit the road!" Vinnie called, I looked at the gang walking away, while I looked away to get going too. But I felt a tight embrace around me again, and was Skipp with a sad expression.

"Wait please, Come with us, Stay with us please I want you to be my friend forever, PLEASE 🙏?" Skipp said with the sad puppy eyes. I looked at Skipp shocked. He's like a little sibling when I going to leave to me. Vinnie pated Skipp's shoulder saying "Skipp, I don't know if we can-" Skipp let go of me, to give Vinnie a sad puppy face, begging to her. "Vinnie please, Can we keep her? She can become helpful. I I would love her to have her on board." Skipp said begging like with he's whole life. Then I just got a Idea. "Yes. Please Vinnie, and before you answer, I can pocket pick, steal stuff without getting caught, get out of conversations and situations, and trick people for getting their money or anything." "Well, Probably you can, but...Can we see your pocketpicking skills first, just to be sure?" Vinnie said looking me up and down. "Alright, but where though?" I said in confusion while messing with the end of my clothing. "Come on, over here!" Vinnie called out. I started to follow Vinnie, Skipp, and Stone to a market area, where there's a lot of stores and shops open for business.

I almost feel bad for stealing stuff from happy, pleasant rich people, but then again, it's they're for being vulnerable and pretty much selfish. Just like my parents at home. Vinnie then points to a tall man with a top tall hat and pleasant mustache. "Ok. First, Get that wallet from his pocket, Then Give it to me. With out getting caught. You got it?" Vinnie said to make things straight. "Got it." I said getting prepared. I gulp and started to walk over to the man, as he looked at the apples, I stood next to him, pretending to look at the apples too. As the man was done shopping, walking away, I panicked for a second. I swiftly take the wallet out of his back pocket, hid the wallet behind, and walk back to Vinnie. I handed the wallet to her saying "Ok, here it is." She takes it and snoops through the whole thing, like a digger looking for it's treasures. "Wow, I'm impressed. you're in!" Vinnie said shaking my hand. A sudden embrace surprises me, then I looked down. "YAY!! A NEW FRIEND!!!" Skipp said with a happy, bright face. Skipp let go of me to make sure to not crush my lungs. Vinnie hit my back saying "Yeah, Great job, mite!!"

I stumbled across the dirt, Stone tried catching me. But I landed inside Stone's arms with my head on his chest and my face towards his, our noses almost touching one another. His right hand is on my back, the other on my waist. Stone and I blushed pink nor red across our faces, shocked, shyly and yet awkwardly. Almost feeling butterflies inside our stomachs. I got off of Stone, blushing madly pink as I did. "Oh umm I-I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. Heh umm Are you okay though? Stone, are you okay?" I looked at Stone with a flustered face. "Y- Yeah I-I'm fine." Stone said while covering his face with his turtle neck sweater walking away. "Oh, he's shy." Vinnie said smugly smiling at me. I looked at her, confused with a little blush in my face. "Uhh Vinnie, maybe I did something wrong or..?" "That means he likes you, y/n. You are awesome and pretty, he deserves you." Skipp says in the background. I blushed a little redder. "Hay, stone! Wait up!" Vinnie called out. I started to follow the gang behind. I have to say.........Maybe I can trust or join them. Can I?

Word count : 800 words

More Stone x reader coming soon or later. Enjoy 😊😍💓

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