editing progress log

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This is a helpful reference sheet for anyone following the development of my re-edit/tweaking of Breathe!

Below I will be live-tracking my progress so that you know which chapters are updated for 2023 and which chapters are still the old ones. Keep in mind that you won't be notified by Wattpad every time I update this chapter with a new check mark so you'll have to visit this chapter again from time to time on your own agenda to check my progress.

That being said, if you follow my Wattpad profile I will post more detailed announcements on my page (and I will be sure to notify anybody following me) about the development of my editing and everything else that's going on, I don't want to make anymore "update" chapters in this story because it's already too long as is!

I am likely to delete this log from the story after I've completed my edit-through but I will keep this live and update it continuously until I've officially edited through the entire book (a gargantuan task...i know).

I'll make a separate announcement (in a different chapter) when I've completed my full-edit through and we can revisit the possibility of working on other projects (more on this at a later date/might be announced to my wattpad followers).

- official progress log -

1 [👍🏻] I
2 [ ] II
3 [ ] III
4 [ ] IV
5 [ ] V
6 [ ] VI
7 [ ] VII
8 [ ] VIII
9 [ ] IX
10 [ ] X
11 [ ] XI
12 [ ] XII
13 [ ] XIII
14 [ ] XIV
15 [ ] XV
16 [ ] XVI
17 [ ] XVII
18 [ ] XVIII
19 [ ] XIX
20 [ ] XX
21 [ ] XXI
22 [ ] XXII
23 [ ] XXIII
24 [ ] XXIV
25 [ ] XXV
26 [ ] XXVI
27 [ ] XXVII
28 [ ] XXVIII
29 [ ] XXIX
30 [ ] XXX
31 [ ] XXXI
32 (1) [ ] XXXII - I
32 (2) [ ] XXXII - II
33 [ ] XXXIII
34 [ ] XXXIV
35 [ ] XXXV
36 [ ] XXXVI
37 [ ] XXXVII
38 [ ] XXXVIII
39 [ ] XXXIX
40 [ ] XL
41 [ ] XLI
42 [ ] XLII
43 [ ] XLIII
44 [ ] XLIV
45 [ ] XLV
46 [ ] XLVI
47 [ ] XLVII
48 [ ] XLVIII
49 [ ] XLIX

Also, a quick side note - if you notice any typos or errors that I've missed in a chapter that I've already edited PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT so that I can fix the error! I am working really hard to make each chapter as well-refined as possible but I am only one person and it's easy for little things to make it past me.

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