Chapter 2

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My pov:
I walked around wondering in the woods alone planning what would happen until I heard a voice calling me. I looked around. "Who's there" I said looking around freaking out worrying that something is gonna eat,destroy,melt or break me. "Guess who" The person jumped up out of the blushes. It scared me by making me scream. "Clam down Bella it's me Two" Two sighed. "Oh sorry" I said "I hate jump scares" Two looked away I never knew a robot like you would like Fandroid when something comes out." he sighed
Two's pov:
I don't really understand why. Bella doesn't really get to be brave and maybe I was just playing a joke on her. I walked up to her "Bella just don't be scared when your friends pop out ok?" I sighed and turned walking away
My pov:
As Two left I didn't know where to go so I left the woods I couldn't stay in the woods all day but I tripped on something. I fell hard on a hill hitting my screen on a rock. I got up and I saw a crack on my screen. I felt like somebody was watching me. I looked up at that person. It looked like Melody was watching. "You okay Bella?" she asked "I think so" I said I walked up to Melody covering the crack on my face so she wouldn't know it.
Melody's pov:
I looked at Bella and seeing her covering her face. I wanted to move her claw and see what's under. "What's that your covering?" I asked "N-nothing" she lied and her her face started to sweat. I floated her hand out of the way. "Wait no!!! Don't look under there" she yelled but I ignored her and saw a crack on her screen "I'm sorry Melody I have a crack." Bella sighed "It's okay Bella" I said "How did you get it?" I asked "I fell" Bella said. I looked at Bella "Let's go get Fandroid 2.0" I say
End of  Chapter 2

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