Chapter 10

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Eg21's POV: I wondered down walking and worrying about what happened. I thought maybe they'd be an answer to all of this. I saw Kazooie sitting down with a sad expression with a bandage on her left eye. Blocky was trying to cheer her up. I guess I should join them. I walked up and sat down on the grass and joined the girls. "Hey Blocky and Kazooie" I said "Hi Eg21" Kazooie said she stood up and turned when she heard a noise. It was Jigglypuff and his sister Gigglypuff. They were finding something Blocky was silently sad trying to get up and it hurts and bleed. "Hey are you okay Blocky" I asked Blocky's POV: I looked up to Eg21 and he looked at me with worry. I couldn't talk because it might feel worse so I shock my head no. "I guess it's time to get you a real doctor" Kazooie sighed. Jigglypuff wiped the dust off of him "I should agree with you" he replied he turned to his sister Gigglypuff Eg21 walked up to me and picked me up "Let's take you to Sharky and Jax" he said we all walked and took me to them but we looked at Jigglypuff,Gigglypuff and Kazooie "Hey are you guys coming" he asked "Don't worry about us will be fine" Kazooie said! Kazooie's POV: After they left I sighed "Are you okay Kazooie" Gigglypuff asked me "No I miss Banjo" I said "Wait a minute where's Bella" I asked "She was taken into a world and she wasn't seen again after that" Jigglypuff replied "I'm sorry to hear that" I said. "I think we should go to TD and Fandroid 2.0 okay" I asked we agreed and went to TD's hideout. Jigglypuff knocked on the door. "What do you want" TD speaker asked "We came to see TD" I replied kindly "She's busy" it said "But there's something wrong going on" Gigglypuff said "What kind" it asked "Everything we don't know what's going on so we need you and TD to help us" Jigglypuff shouted "Well good news kid were working on that clue" The speaker box said happily "Oh thank God" I sighed in relief. We came inside their hideout. Needle was there too and TD also. Needle's POV: I looked up and saw people inside TD's hideout "Hey look visitors TD looked at them it was Kazooie,Jigglypuff and Gigglypuff TD's POV: I walked up to them and looked at my speaker "Don't worry TD they want to know if we found out our case!" It said then I nodded and Kazooie looked at me "So do you have any idea where Flaky took Banjo?" She asked I wrote some notes for clues and looked then shock my head no. I wrote something apart of the mystery for a while looking at it thinking about if Flaky was the cause of this. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote something saying about Kazooie should know about. Kazooie's POV: I saw TD holding a note it must mean 1 thing. Jigglypuff looked at me "Read it this must be important" he said I looked at the note "A riddle you must read will be found inside of a musical heart of a true angel" I read it "Sounds very odd but somehow like it's asking for someone we might know about" I said "We found heard it Four's grave we tried to keep it for memory" Needle said holding her phone "I think Fandroid 2.0 or 3.0 it be the answer to our problems" Jigglypuff said "He is? " I asked Jigglypuff nodded "I want to go see him" Gigglypuff said "Okay then let's go" I said "Call us if you have a clue" TD speaker box said "We will" I said
End of chapter 10

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