Chapter 16

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Fandroid 2.0's POV: I woke up and started to think about what was worried about Bella I miss her too much that I can't be distracted by the things that happened I just need to keep track of what was going on and maybe stop Flaky before more people get hurt. I got off of bed and try finding out who the bottom of turning Flaky evil. Everything must come to an end I need to act fast I have a team to go with so it doesn't mean I had to go alone TD was finding out more and sending messages that lead to the causes of horrible things that happened to each person or thing in town. Finding out what causes of deaths or causes of getting send away. Melody came to my room "Fandroid 2.0 are you okay" she asked "Yeah I'm okay just thinking that's all" I replied "Well I wished these horrible things are over and get our friends back because I know how much you miss Bella" she said "I know" I sighed
Melody's POV: I feel bad for my friend I never seen him feel this upset but I guess there is still a little fandroid in there. I hope Bella is okay. "Fandroid 2.0 well find hope" I said "Don't worry Melody will find my girlfriend" he replied with a smile Kazooie came in the room "Guys we need to go outside something horrible just happened to our detective TD" she shouted
Fandroid 2.0's POV: Oh god TD was attacked by Flaky. I can't believe it "Let me guess Flaky" I asked "No Flaky has Luke he is under Flaky's control" she replied "Oh god this isn't good" I ran my team came along TD was injured and her speaker box was broken TD's eye was stabbed and later on we had to heal her before she'll die from Blood loss. As she woke up we were worried about her. "Are you okay TD?" I asked her she nodded "What are we gonna do now" Msm11 asked "I dunno" I said then all I outside was a grave with a crown saying "R.I.P our fair king" looked at it for a while there was a crown lying with it and the date said "1998 - 2023" Four was't born at that year he was born in 1999 it seem to be somebody else we know it wasn't our friends the name was not on the grave it was covered in dust but still no name "What a rip" Jigglypuff sighed "No I think I've seen somebody wearing this crown but Matt isn't dead yet he could've dropped it on the way here we should return this" I said "I guess if the King's crown is with the prince or princess" Abby said I picked up the crown and I saw a memory of how Flaky turned evil. I try to woke up from that "Fandroid 2.0 are you okay?" Melody gasped in shock "I'm okay!" I said
Kazooie's POV: I hope TD was okay there is 2 people who have turned evil. I hope Banjo's alright because I miss him so much. "What are we gonna do now" Dirt asked "I think well find Flaky maybe we can make a cure for her so she can snap out of it" Fandroid 2.0 said "How are we gonna find a cure to stop this?" I asked "Kill them" Ben chuckled Abby punched him in the elbow "Ben we are not killing people that are possessed by a demon or something" she sighed
Fandroid 2.0's POV: Somewhat I knew Jigglypuff was the smart one "Hey Jigglypuff,can you make a cure for Flaky and Luke?" I asked "Don't worry Fandroid 2.0 you have my word" he said then ran inside to work on it. We went back inside and I started thinking of Bella again I tried to keep this off my mind and try to save people from dying. Less then was asleep and Dirt was petting him "Dirt how did you guys get attacked?" I asked "Well Less then and I were just wondering and then Flaky just acted very odd it didn't sound her then she tried to kill us luckily you found us" Dirt said I got a photo of X "Have you seen him before this happened" I asked "I think I did" he replied
Dirt's POV: I was starting to remember how I saw X before getting attacked by Flaky. X was by himself and he looked upset about something but it was about Four dying. "Well I saw him at the park he was walking with somebody he was talking to him for awhile until that guy left he looked very sad that it looked like he just needed help. "Maybe we can find him before something bad happens" I said "Yeah" Fandroid 2.0 sighed "What's wrong?" I asked "He lost his girlfriend she was taken to somewhere" Melody said "Oh so after we beat Flaky well find Bella" I said "You'd do that for us?" He asked I nodded.
Fandroid 2.0's POV: Melody looked at me and turned back I smiled at him. Then heard a scream outside it was Abby. She was getting attacked by her own brother Flaky and Luke were there. "FLAKY!!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?? THIS ISN'T YOU" I yelled she started to laugh "Flaky isn't here sadly" she said "What the hell are you saying?" Ben asked "I'm under Flaky's control now so all of her friends will die before you even think about" she said "Well were gonna stop you no matter what" I shouted. She grabbed her knife and started to attack I held back by punching her.
End of chapter 16

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