Chapter 3

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Fandroid 2.0's pov:
I was thinking maybe that messed everything up. I wonder if that maybe I might think I fell out of the sky and stay alive. I saw Melody and Bella coming. I saw Jigglypuff walked up. It was 10:00 in the morning. I rolled up to Melody. "Hi Melody" I said "Hi Fandroid 2.0" Melody said. I looked at Bella she was looking me her screen looked creaked. "Melody, Why is Bella's screen broken?" I asked "She fell" Melody answered I might've well stick with it maybe it's a dream or not.
My pov:
I felt different. I thought that Fandroid 2.0 wouldn't notice the difference. But I guess they couldn't be fooled. I felt stupid for thinking of it. Fandroid 2.0 rolled up to me and hold my shoulder. "Hey Bella don't worry we'll make that crack go away" he said "Really?" I ask "No matter what." he said. I blushed and covered my face. I moved one of my claws to look at the robot. He chuckled "Don't be shy Bella" Fandroid 2.0 said he put his hand on my head. I was thinking that maybe something good would happen. But I also felt something else. I felt something was growing on my back. Fandroid 2.0 looked at it. "Bella you might want to look because there are wings on you" he said. I turned my head around and saw angel wings. What was going on around here.
Fandroid 2.0 pov:
I don't believe this. How could a robot grow wings. I  don't understand. It felt like a dream. Melody and Jigglypuff were shocked. Bella hugged me. "Fandroid 2.0 what is happening" she squealed. I was too surprised to answer her. I felt paralyzed. I couldn't move Jigglypuff looked at the female robot then at me. "Are you okay 2.0?" he asked I didn't answer. Then we saw a portal. I was no longer paralyzed. It was crazy. Melody floated behind me. I felt the portal sucking me in Bella held me never wanting to let go. I know what the portal wants to take but I didn't want to give to it. It wasn't me. "Don't let go" Bella cried. I hugged her. Jigglypuff looked at Melody "The portal won't give up we need something to block it" he said. Melody nodde while I was busy trying to fight the portal to save Bella. The portal was getting stronger and stronger I couldn't hang on any longer. But I let by accident. "BELLA" I screamed "FANDROID 2.0" she squealed. The portal was gone. My heart was broken. "I'm sorry for your loss" Melody said "It's okay" I sighed. My screen had a face with tears. Jigglypuff was sad and lonely. His eyes were bursting with tears. I looked down. "Maybe we can get Bella back" I whispered
End of chapter 3

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