Chapter 11

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Fandroid 2.0's POV: I was in my room thinking of all the stuff I've been wondering of how I lost my girlfriend Bella I starting thinking that maybe somebody must've did this to her by mistake...I heard my phone go off so I picked it up to check out what's going on it was Demopan texting me and he wanted to check if I was okay I texted him back. I saw Griffin come to my room "Fanroid 2.0 are you alright" he asked "I miss Bella" I said. I didn't want to lie so I told him everything Griffinilla's POV: I hugged Fandroid 2.0 as he started crying in heartbreak he looks up at me with a screen of tears "It's okay 2.0 we'll find Bella soon just because she's gone doesn't mean she'll be gone forever" I sighed hugging the robot trying to make him feel better. He wiped off his tears and smiled I heard a sound of knocking on the door "I'll be right back" I said as Fandroid 2.0 watched me left the room Fandroid 2.0's POV: I turned looking at a picture of me and Bella "Bella where are you" I whispered quietly then Jigglypuff,Gigglypuff and Kazooie came holding a note and a tape recorder. "Fandroid 2.0 we have to show you show you something" Jigglypuff said he gave me a note "TD and her friends gave these clues to us and Kazooie's friend has been kidnapped" "Omg what happened" I asked in surprise I didn't want to be sarcastic but it almost sounded serious "Go ahead Kazooie tell him" Gigglypuff said petting her head I noticed there was a bandage on her eye it looked like something bad happened to her an accident or a battle that made Banjo kidnapped. "Well I saw Flaky and she kidnapped Banjo and sliced my eye which is no accident but I tried to save him" she sobbed I looked at Jigglypuff and then started to read the note Melody came out "Hey guys did I miss anything" she asked "No I was just in the middle of something but you can join if you want to" I said "Okay" she smiled she was in the mood for something when she gets bored. Kazooie's POV: So if Fandroid 2.0 helps me with Banjo and stop Flaky then I could do something to help him. "Fandroid 2.0 are you sure your gonna help me to save Banjo" I asked "Sure" He replied he looked at me then looked at Jigglypuff "So I know what got Bella in the portal it was something that could be dangerous but don't worry she's okay" he said I was in shock my mind was thinking of 2 things at the same time Banjo and Bella I shock my head trying to make it stop "Are you okay" Melody asked "I'm fine" I answered Fandroid 2.0 sadly sighed "Let's go find X" he said "X? Wait a minute why do think X is involved" I asked "He has the same problem like you did expect" Fandroid 2.0 trailed off for a moment then he stayed quiet "What happened to Four" I asked I really want if Flaky kidnapped Four too but then "He died" Fandroid 2.0 said quietly I was in pure shock tears fell out of my eyes "Oh my gosh" I whispered Fandroid 2.0's POV: Jigglypuff pressed the button to open the door to go outside "So this is it" Melody asked "Yup were really doing this" Kazooie said I was thinking of going alone but I don't see why not bringing friends along "Let's beat Flaky..." I said
End of Chapter 11 

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