Chapter 18

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X's POV: I was in my room...alone, It felt lonely and it was raining...I felt so depressed since Four's death, I didn't know what to do. Two went missing and I didn't know what to do either...I felt so alone. I heard a know on the door, I got out of bed and wanted to know who it was "Coming" I shouted as I walked near the door. I opened it and it was Seven. "Hi Seven" I said "Hi X" Seven smiled he came in my house "It's been a long time since I've seen you" I chuckled "Yeah,I heard about Four and I'm sorry about what happened" he replied hugging me "It's okay Seven" I sighed. I didn't really know my life keeps taking turns and twists and it starts to heart my heart also gives me a headache. "X, it's okay stuff happens and it hurts" Seven said "It does?" I asked "Yeah" Seven sighed
Seven's POV: X really misses Four. They were best friends til the end. "I'm sorry for wasting your time" I sighed about to head out the door "No wait" X shouted "Yeah?" I asked turning around almost opening the door. "I wanna come with you! It's so lonely here" X cried, it looked X cannot handle without Four in a really long time. "I guess you can come" I smiled "Thanks Seven" X replied we head out the door and went into town. "So what do you wanna do X?" I asked X said nothing
X's POV: I was thinking about Four...Everywhere I go I think of him "X?" Seven replied and I looked at him. He was worried about me and I sighed "Sorry Seven, It's just" I trilled off "It's fine" Seven sighed "Why do you mean by that?" I asked "I just wanted to make you feel better. You've been with Four for a very long time" Seven replied "No! Don't say that" I snapped "Why?" Seven asked "Your a better friend then this you know that" I shouted pointing at him "Me?" Seven cried waiting for me to reply I nodded "Wow, Thanks X" He chuckled then Kedamono walked to us "Hi guys" he smiled some tears were seen behind his mask
Kedamono's POV: Seven and X were looking at me with a face. They notice what's wrong "Are you okay dude?" Seven asked I let out a sigh "No, Popee got a girlfriend" I said X hugged me trying to cheer me up "Don't cry Kedamono that girl's no better then you" X said in a tone "You sure?" I asked "YES" X shouted "X, Can you quiet down? Were in public!" I said "Sorry" X sighed "It's okay" I   chuckled
X's POV: Later at night we had a blast and enjoyed our time and I was happy having my other friends around I just wished Four was here. "Hey see that?" Seven asked "What?" I replied "That" he pointed at a building "Oh I've seen that before it was abounded years ago" Kedamono smiled "Wanna can inside of it?" Seven asked "I dunno" I said "No" Kedamono said he didn't wanna go in there. "Don't be a wimp" Seven teased "Your a wimp" Kedamono snapped "I was just joking! Calm down" Seven sighed "Okay" Kedamono replied "I still wanna come in that building" Seven said "I'll come to" I smiled "WAIT DON'T GO WITHOUT ME" Kedamono shouted running to us.
Seven's POV: We went inside and looked around "Creepy" I said to myself as we looked around "Ya'll should get out" A voice said "W-who was that?" Kedamono asked "It's me Banjo" The voice replied I followed and Banjo was inside a cage. "Banjo? Is that where you were?" I asked "Yeah" he replied "Was it hunters?" I asked he shook his head "No it was Flaky" he said "Flaky?" I said
X's POV: I heard a noise from behind "Hello?" I asked waiting for a reply no noise came after. I didn't understand much but nobody was there until...Kedamono went missing "Seven" I said trying to hold his arm "Yeah?" Seven asked "We should go now" I cried "Your friend's right" Banjo said "Why do you mean by that?" Seven asked Flaky showed up holding a knife cutting Seven's arm off! "MY ARM" Seven screamed "Flaky what are you doing?" I asked in fear "To kill you!" She said cutting my leg of I shout in pain! Kedamono was bleeding sneaking up on Flaky hitting her with a chair "YOU GUYS NEED TO GO NOW" He yelled. I didn't wanna leave him behind "Lets go X" Seven said in fear grabbing my arm and running we ran as fast as we could. Later we were at the place were Four died I felt light headed and past out...after that I woke up in a bed my wound was wrapped with bandages and sat up looking around the room. "Hello? Seven? Four" I said. I wonder if it was all a dream of Four dying of getting attacked. Seven walked in the room "X! Your alright" he hugged me as he ran inside "Seven? What happened?" I asked "You past out and Four in a half brought you here" Seven replied "Four in a half?" I asked. I don't understand much about her but she hates me. I didn't see her much after Four's death...I guess I'll never see Four in a half the same. Something must've changed her after what was going on "Are you okay?" A voice asked "Yes" I sighed the voice didn't sound like Four in a half nor Seven...It sounded like Four "F-Four?" I said in shock
End of Chapter 18

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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