this is different

335 37 14

Taking a hot shower, type got out to sign here and there to go to the towel rack to grab a towel to then wrap it about himself to go about to stop has he was to his mirror to then turn his head to look over it to make a face, he felt very dirty.
Type rolled his eyes to then turn fully to then place the towel to the rack to take another shower.
After his third, type was to the kitchen to sit to the dining room table to eye down to be eating at his food and hard.
Coming down, suxie had her hand over her mouth to yawn to then take it down to turn her head to eye over type to go further down to go to the dining room table to sit to eye over him.
Type signed and hard.
"Suxie.... Is late."
"I know, why aren't you in bed?"
"Got hungry."
Suxie looked over type to then eye down.
"Type......I......I know you hate me now and....."
Type signed and hard to then look over his sister.
"Suxie.....I don't hate you.... Tonight was..... Just a bad night. I'm going to eat then go to bed."
Suxie looked to type with a sullen face.
"What... Happened?"
Type gulped to dart his eyes over his sister to then look down to feel so very embarrassed and sick.
"Just.... Things...... Please just go to bed."
Suxie signed to then get up to go to bed.
Type made a hard face to then grab the plate to get up to toss it to the ground to then eye over the shards to ball his hands to either side of himself to then take in a deep breathe to place his hands to his eyes to rub.
Groaning, he took his hands away to then go about to clean his mess to then go to his bed to lay under his blanket to his side to have a hand under his head to look across his room to eye over his wall with a face, he flexed his jaw to shuffle to his back to eye up.
Just..... Two years..... Just have to deal with this.... For two fucking years then....
Types eyes went wide to then squeeze them to groan.
I need to find a way to..... Run! I am not going to let a fucking faggot take my virginity when I'm 18! God! There just has to be a way out of this.
Type whimpered to then somehow fall asleep, the next morning he cleaned the whole house to keep himself busy to become very irritated the day why By and quick for him to be standing in front of the door to this perverts office to shake his head a bit.
Type then raised his hand to then knock, to let it go down to hang his head.
Mr. Tyrion opened the door to eye over type to then move back.
Type signed to go in, the boss closed the doors to stay there for a moment to think.
Type went to that one spot to eye down to make a hard face, the boss then turned to step to type to stop to eye over his back.
"Today.....I want you to take off your pants and boxers and..... Get on your back."
Type turned to eye over the boss.
The boss tilted his head to place his hands inside his pockets to look to type.
"You heard me."
Types Lips parted to look over this man a bit confused.
The boss signed.
"I want you, to do what you did yesterday."
Type peered his eyes down to start to have that dirty feel again.
"Thought..... What about our deal?"
"Well, since you can't seem to deliver, I will. Now do it!"
Type gulped to sign to turn about to then start to slowly take off his pants and boxers to then go to the floor to sit to make a hard face, the boss looked to type to go to him to place a hand to his shoulder to then push him back.
The boss lightly snickered to go about type to sit down to his chair.
Type peered his eyes to him to then raise a hand to flip him off, the boss narrowed his eyes to then reach for his gun he always had to then point it to that finger.
"Wish to lose that?"
Type rolled his eyes to move it down to then look to the ceiling.
The boss placed his gun to the side to place his elbow to the arm rest to place his hand to his face to take his other hand to his pants to undo to take out his member.
"Show me that hole Mr. Vuto."
Type closed his eyes to take in a deep breathe to move his legs bent to either side to then turn his head has he placed his hands to his ass cheeks to part them.
The boss licked his lips to start to stroke himself off.
"Mm.... Can see.... From here..... You don't have any....nnn....I like that.... Do you shave?"
Type furrowed his brow in anger.
The boss couldn't help but to laugh to keep stroking.
"Nn.... Lift.... Lift up your.... Shirt...."
"Want to see.... How hard your nipples are."
"Piss off!"
The boss narrowed his eyes.
"Mr. Vuto!"
Type whimpered to place his unwilling hand to the bottom of his shirt to then move it up.
The boss started to stroke harder.
"Mm...... Your nipples are like your dick..... Can't seem to get hard....."
Type moved his shirt back down to grit his teeth and hard.
Mr. Tyrion started to thrust his groin up.
"Aah..... Play with yourself......"
"Come on!"
"Do it!"
Type groaned to place his hand to his limp member to do just that for the boss to then cum.
Type moved and quick to place his clothes back on, Mr. Tyrion placed himself away to eye over type has he got dressed.
"From now on...... This is what will happen. Since you can't seem to be a man and get hard to cum for me."
Type got dressed to then turn about with an angered expression.
"Or maybe my dick doesn't want to get hard for a disgusting, perverted, sick, vile, gross, pedophiliac, son of a bitch!"
The bosses eyes widened to watch type turn to start to leave. He then got up to place a have to his pocket.
"Mr. Vuto?"
Type stopped to eye down .
"Good boy, for with holding saying that f word." The boss smiled.
"Ugh! Go to hell!"
Type then left and quick to slam the door behind him, Mr. Tyrion went back to sit down to eye over that door with a smile.
This is going to be different...... And so very interesting......mmm...... Really can't wait until I can pound that ass...... You..... Really are something different...... Never met anyone like you like it.

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