this is not good

308 34 16

Sitting to the floor of his off colored grey cell, type had his one leg bent, to have the other laid down to have his arm to his knee to be eyeing forward at the phone to have no expression to then sign.
Making a face, type then got up to stumble to the phone has he was feeling very hungry to order himself some food from people who were not going to help him to be eyeing down to look at his chain that was around his ankle.
Hanging up the phone, type turned to go to the bathroom to go to the sink to place his hands to the edge to eye down to dart his eyes.
The boss nor anyone other then the people who brought him food, came. Type didn't know what day it was or time, it was starting to drive him up the wall crazy.
Turning his head, he watched has the woman and two men came in for him to then turn his head back to look at the blank wall.
"I don't want to watch him taste test."
"We did not place anything into your food this time also...."
Type hung his head to sign and hard.
"Unless you are going to help me leave, get out!"
"I am very apologetic Mr. Vuto however that is something I just cant do."
"Then get out!"
The woman nodded for the two men to then follow her to leave.
Type rolled his eyes to move back to then turn his head to make a face, taking in a deep breathe he then placed two fingers to his outter hole to widen his eyes.
Where is the......
Type started to breathe heavily to take his fingers back to then place them to the sink to wash his hands.
"Where is the stitches!?"
Type turned about to then place his hands to his towel to dry to go out to turn his head to eye his tray of food to the bed. He then went to it to sit to the side to keep his eyes to it.
I've had to be here for longer then I can guess..... Without my stitches....... This prick will....
Before type could finish his thought his head snapped to the side to eye over Mr. Tyrion who came in to close the door behind him with his foot to then slowly move his eyes down to sign has he saw that towel.
Type hung his head to look down.
"What did I say about that towel Mr. Vuto?"
Type rolled his eyes to then move his hands to the tray to place to his lap to then start to eat.
"I'm.... Cold."
"Mm..... Does feel a bit chilly. I'll have them turn up the heat."
Type slowly looked to the boss.
"How about I wear clothes?"
Mr. Tyrion wrapped his arms about himself.
"Give to get Mr. Vuto."
Type took in a deep breathe to eye down.
"How....... How is my sister?"
"She is doing quiet well at school. My body guard is keeping an watchful eye on her. Suxie is missing you so very much."
Type gritted his teeth.
"You have no right...... To say her First name!"
"Mm...... Now..... Spread your legs Mr. Vuto."
Type Darted his eyes.
"I'm..... Eating."
"Can see that. Still want you to spread your legs."
Type gulped at his food and hard.
"I...... I'm still healing....."
"It's been two weeks. Know your stitches have to be gone by now."
Type made a hard face to keep his eyes down to continue to eat, Mr. Tyrion raised an eye brow.
"Your not being a good boy Mr. Vuto."
Type rolled his eyes to look to the boss.
"Could you stop saying things like that, it's.... Deeming."
"Then do what you're told."
Type Darted his eyes over the boss to eye back down to his tray.
"I..... Am really hungry."
The boss signed to wrap his arms about.
"You are trying my patients Mr. Vuto."
"Not my fault you came here when I need to eat."
Type picked up his fork to eat and slow, the boss narrowed his eyes.
"Stop delaying this Mr. Vuto."
"I'm.... Eating."
The boss then stepped to type.
"Can see that."
The boss stood before type to watch over this for type to dart his eyes about to feel very awkward.
"Could you.... Back up or something?"
Mr. Tyrion raised an eye brow.
The boss then placed his hands to types tray that was almost gone from food, to toss it to the side, type moved up a bit to eye over that.
Type then was pushed back to place his hands to Mr. Tyrions wrist has his hand was to his throat to take in deep breathes.
Mr. Tyrion looked to type with an angry expression.
"I am done with this Mr. Vuto. You are really pushing it with me and....."
Mr. Tyrion widened his eyes to then release some pressure to then look down.
Type shook and twitched to have moved his legs up to bend them to the bed to have them be laid to either side of the bosses body.
He then slowly looked to type to raise an eye brow.
Type gulped with a very hard face.
"Give....... To get.....ri..... Right?"
Mr. Tyrion nodded to then let types throat go to move back to look down again to place his hands to types knees has they were slightly covered with the towel, type placed his hand to his throat to take in very slow breathes.
The boss then started to move the towel up to then eye types hands go to his to stop the action, Mr. Tyrion signed to then look to him.
"Mr. Vuto....."
Type gulped.
"If......if I......"
Type squeezed his eyes tight.
"Com......comply......eas.... Easily......I......I...... Want a clock."
Mr. Tyrion looked over type.
Type turned his head to look to the side.
"I.... Have no concept of time here."
"That is true......"
The boss eyed down.
"Give...... To get mr. Vuto...... So..... Take your hands off mine now!"
Type jumped a bit at that tone to sign, he placed his hands to either side of himself, to keep his head to the side.
The boss looked over type to smirk to then move the towel more up, type couldn't help but to shut it says once more.
The boss looked over types limp dick to have his smirk go away to roll his eyes.
"Still.... Never hard."
"I'm..... Not gay..... Can't.... Force that."
"Mm..... That is true."
Mr. Tyrion then went to his knees to place his hands to types thighs to open further for the towel to undo it self to rest to either side of type.
Type then started to shake a bit.
The boss looked up has he saw that to then look back at types dick.
"Believe...... You still need time to come to terms with this deal.... However...... Give to get Mr. Vuto....."
Type then snapped his head forward to then open his eyes to look down to widen them to start to breathe heavily.
"What...... Are you doing!"
Mr. Tyrion peered his eyes up has he downed types cock to then take his mouth off to lick.
Types body tensed.
"Seems.....quite obvious. Doesn't it Mr. Vuto?"
Type gulped and hard to make a very hard face has the boss downed his cock once more to suck to no avail until Mr. Tyrion was able to gather salvia to then place two fingers into types hole to thrust in and out.
Type then lifted his head back to try to think however that action was alluding him, especially when this man placed his fingers against that one spot.
He then placed his hands to the bosses head to moan here and there to try not to get hard however it just couldn't not happen.
The boss then started to suck harder and faster has this before limp dick turned hard inside his very warm mouth. He then thrusted his fingers just the same speed has he downed that cock.
Types body then took over for him to thrust his groin up and down wanting more.
"Uhhhh.......aaaah..... Going to......nnnn. No....... No...... Stop......I don't want to..... To...... Damnit! Stop!"
Mr. Tyrion then moved his mouth off to lick at types head that was leaking so much pre cum to keep thrusting his fingers into that so very tight hole.
"Aaaaaah! I'm going to..... Stop! Stop!"
The boss rolled his eyes at that word to then have type cum all over his face has he exploded like a volcano.
Mr. Tyrion widened his eyes a bit to then slowly take his fingers from inside type to then get up to grab a small rag from his back pocket to then wipe his face, type took in very deep breathes has his dick throbbed, for him to then go to his side to wrap the towel about himself to look to the back of the door in disbelief.
"You came quite a lot Mr. Vuto."
Type closed his eyes to make a hard face.
Mr. Tyrion moved the rag away to eye over type.
"Don't be like that. Can see you loved every minute of it."
Type then placed his hands over his ears to feel so very disgusted with himself.
The boss couldn't help but to laugh to turn to leave.
Type groaned to rock himself a bit has he was starting to grow to hate his body.

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