complying is making me go numb

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Breathing heavily, types body went up and down, has the boss was in-between his legs, to be thrusting and hard into types tight cavity to be breathing rapidly has well, type kept his head to the side to grit his eyes.
"Done.... Yet?"
Mr. Tyrion then moved up to place his hands to either side of his waist to grip a bit to keep thrusting to eye down.
"No where close..... How you are acting is prolonging this."
Type rolled his eyes .
"I'm.... Not acting like anything."
Mr. Tyrion stopped thrusting to sign.
Type furrowed his brow in confusion to turn his head slowly to look up at the man.
"Excuse me?"
"Your.... Just an empty shell here type."
"And? You've been getting exactly what you want for the last 2 weeks."
Mr. Tyrion looked down to raise an eye brow .
"Not everything."
Type rolled his eyes to then turn his head to look to the wall .
"I'm sticking to the original deal here. Your the one who is going against it."
"I want you to be hard, want to see your cum."
"Can't make it happen."
The man narrowed his eyes to then move down to place his tongue to types nipple to lick about to then raise his hand to go to his other nipple to then start to play with.
Type tensed to grit his teeth.
"Not..... Going to do anything...."
Mr. Tyrion peered his eyes up to then move up to sign to roll his eyes to then pull out to go to the side of the bed to start to get dressed, type peered his eyes down to look over him.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm not going to deal with you has you are."
Type made a very hard face to then slowly go to his side to then look back at the wall has he felt numb.
"That's not my fault."
Mr. Tyrion turned about to eye over type.
"Yes it is and it's not going to help you leave any time sooner."
Type rolled his eyes to then move to his stomach to turn his head the other way.
"Whatever then."
Mr. Tyrion narrowed his eyes to turn fully to then go to type to smack his ass, type got up in his arms to then look to him.
"What the hell you prick!"
Mr. Tyrion smirked to then place a hand to his chin to eye over, type eyes narrowed to take his head away from that touch to peer his eyes down to then tense, Mr. Tyrion went to be to his knees to the bed to spread types legs apart to move his tip up and down his hole.
"Say my name."
Type rolled his eyes to place his head back down to look to the wall.
"....... Tharn...."
Tharn then rammed himself in to then place his body to types to place his hands over his to be deep inside.
After, type was to his other side, back to the door to take in deep breathes has he eyed over the grey wall to have no expression, tharn put himself together to then turn his head a bit to look over type to make a hard face. Seeing him like this made memories of his past come into his mind. He signed to then go to sit to the edge to then look over the door.
"Is.... It really bad in here?"
Type made a confused face to then turn to eye over tharns back.
"What do you think?"
Tharn turned his head to look over type.
"I think you get free meals, free everything and great sex, yet you act like this."
Type narrowed his eyes to then go back down.
"Everything but my freedom.... And the sex sucks!"
Tharn lightly laughed to then turn his head forward to look to the door.
"You won't relax. You stay in your head. Of course the sex will lack for you. Tried to make it feel better but your fighting against this every step of the way."
"I'm not gay you idiot! Of course I'll fight against it."
Tharn peered his eyes down with a face.
Type then turned and quick has he heard noises, his eyes then widened has tharn started to take off his clothes.
Tharn placed his clothes to the side to turn fully for type to look back to the wall, back to him.
"Move over."
Type signed to do just that to feel tharn behind him to then raise an eye brow, he wasent touching him, type turned his head to look over tharn who laid to his back with his eyes closed.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm tired."
Tharn moved a bit.
"So I'm sleeping. You should too, it's late."
"Why.... Are you sleeping here?"
Tharn opened his eyes to then turn his head to look to type.
"Do you really want to be alone?"
Type Darted his eyes over tharn to roll them to move his head down to be very confused.
Tharn eyed over type to then turn to his side to place his hand to his arm to start to move it up and down.
Type took in a deep inhale to tense his body, tharn looked over that to then go to his ear .
"You never give this a chance, sex will always suck for you. Rather you want this or not. Mm... Now sleep."
Tharn then moved his head down to close his eyes to keep his hand to types arm.
"Um..... Can you not touch me?"
"Deal with it type."
Type signed to then close his eyes.
"I hate you "
"Mm.... Good for you."
Type gritted his teeth to not be able to sleep, he hadent slept with anyone in his bed since he was young with his sister who after there parents death slept to the side since she was scared of being alone.
"Th.... Tharn?"
"Mm... What?"
"Can you..... Just leave?"
Tharn moved forward.
"Deal with this type. I'll..... Let you call your sister tomorrow before I need to leave if you shut up and go to sleep."
Type signed.
"What did I just say type?"
"I.... Want to actually talk to my sister. So..... When you...... Can you not touch me?"
"Go to sleep and now."
Type took in a deep breathe to move his head up and down has he tried.

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