you keep me sane

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At his stomach, type Darted his eyes under his lids, to then slowly open them to get up and quick to huddle himself to the wall, to have the blanket wrapped about him to be eyeing over this man. He then moved a leg up to then place his foot to his back to start to kick at him.
"Hey.... Wake up...."
Mr. Tyrion took in a deep breathe in. To then move to his back to make a hard face.
"This mattress..... Hurts."
Type rolled his eyes..
"Welcome to my world. Why are you still here?"
Mr. Tyrion moved his hand to his forehead to rub to then turn his head to look over type.
"Said you don't like to be alone."
"I said that almost a week ago when you came in here and ra...."
Mr. Tyrion moved up on his forarms to Furrow his brow in anger, type stopped short to then gulp to turn his head to look forward, Mr. Tyrion narrowed his eyes he then rolled then to move the blanket to get up, type turned his head to look to the side has he didn't want to see a naked man.
Mr. Tyrion placed his clothes on to keep his head hung..
"So..... You just want to always be alone then?"
Type signed.
"I want to be out of this stupid room."
Mr. Tyrion zipped his pants up to then turn to eye over type.
"You are so very close to that objective, just keep being good."
Type turned his head to look to the boss.
"For how long?"
Mr. Tyrion shrugged.
"It's up to you."
The boss looked over him to then turn to start to go to the door to deliver a special knock, type wrapped his arms about his legs to peer his eyes down to be "good"
"Can...... Can you come back...... To.... Sleep here tonight?"
Mr. Tyrion raised an eye brow to turn to eye over type.
"Interesting. "
He then turned to leave, type rolled his eyes to then get up to go and take a hot shower has the two were having sex every single day that week for type not to get hard or to cum but the boss sure did.
After a hot shower, type did his morning routine to eat food to be to the bed to lay down to his back to have his arms under his head to be eyeing up to start to think about that one night where the boss was vulnerable, type really was curious on what nightmare he had for him to go to him about it.
Since that day though, the boss slept with type every night for them not to really talk except for that day.
Type tilted his head to the side to keep eyeing up.
What did the boss dream about for him to come into my room in the middle of the night to..... Then kept saying he was sorry? I just don't get it.
Type took in a very deep breathe to turn his head to eye the wall which was leading him to think more about this man which oddly was making him think about the fact he really didn't know him, but type couldn't understand why he wanted to know more about him.
Type rolled his eyes to then get up to start to go about the room to find small things to keep his mind occupied, even though it failed to do so.
Later that night, type moved the blanket about to then place it to his bed to then turn to eye over the open door with a face, mr. Tyrion had his body to the door frame to be looking at type to then eye that bed.
"So..... Do you want me to sleep here tonight?"
Type Darted his eyes over him to then look to the bed to make a hard face.
"Do.... What you want."
"I'm asking you type."
Type signed.
Be good. Maybe use his vulnerability against him to get out then to be able to run.
Types eyes widened, he just thought of that.
"I...... Don't mind it....."
"Mm... Why is that?"
Type took in a very deep breathe.
"Before..... This week..... Was always alone.... So......"
Mr. Tyrion darted his eyes over type to then walk in to kick the door closed behind him to be standing behind to be breathing down types neck.
"Do you..... Want me to stay?"
Type furrowed his brow confused by that question to then roll his eyes.
Just say what he wants to hear then do what he wants you to do. Be.... Good.....
"Y..... Yes....."
"Then..... Call me tharn and.... Kiss me."
Type gritted his teeth to gulp and hard, he then turned slowly to eye over the boss to then move his arms up to wrap them about him with a stern face to dart his eyes over to then tilt his head to the side to slowly move forward to eye his mouth.
Type then squeezed his eyes tight has he placed his mouth to his for tharn to then place his hands under his shirt to go to his nipples to tease to then slowly take them down.
To his stomach, type was over the edge to have his finger to the ground to move it about to eye the action has tharn was next to him to be to his back to have his head turned.
Type then made a hard face has what he thought earlier went in his mind..
"Mm... Tharn?"
Tharn took in a deep breathe to move his head up and down.
"How...... How many men have you've.... Had sex with? Or...... Are doing right now?"
Tharn slowly opened his eyes to dart them to turn his head to type to look him over.
"Why are you...... Asking?"
Type shrugged has he kept tracing the ground with his finger.
Tharn signed to turn his head to look up.
"Not your business."
Type turned his head to look to tharn with a anger face.
"So you're fucking others while you do this to me!? God, you don't use a condom!"
Tharn rolled his eyes to turn his head to look to type.
"You are the only person I have having sex with right now type."
Type looked over the bosses serious face to believe him to move just a bit closer to use his vulnerability to his advantage.
"Okay..... So..... How many men have you've..... Had sex with?"
"Why do you want to know that?"
"Really just curious, you forcefully was my first."
Tharn rolled his eyes to turn his head forward to look up again to sign.
"You drunkly came to me and then...."
"Tharn that is not what I am going into right now, just.... Want to know. Like..... Who was your first?"
Tharn made a hard face to grit his teeth to move his head up a bit.
"Drop it, Mr. Vuto."
Types eyes widened to then move up on his forarms to eye over tharn, he hadent said his last name in a few months. He then really looked over this man to see his whole deamonor be tensed and serious, types Lips parted has something clicked for him, this man really didn't like to be called a faggot or the rape word. That started to really make him think about that nightmare he had and was curious if those things were together somehow, he then remembered a fuzzy memory of when he was drunk and he had sex with him to where tharn wouldn't just take it and he said he didn't want him to lose his virginity like he did.
Type Darted his eyes to really think to slowly look to him.
"Th..... Tharn?"
Tharn signed and hard to close his eyes.
"You really need to drop it."
Tharns eyes then popped open to look over type who placed his mouth to his.
Type then moved his mouth off to dart his eyes over him, to then move his hand to the side of his neck to grip it a bit to make tharn turn about, tharn slowly did to be in-between types legs to look down at him a bit confused with this..
"What is....."
"Mm.... Don't think about it just....."
Type moved himself slowly up to stop mid way, to then move to place his mouth to this man to have kept his hand to his neck to bring him down, to get take his other hand to tharns dick to start to move it to his hole, tharn then placed his hand to that action to stop it to move his mouth from types to look him over.
"We..... Don't need to do this again. Know you.... Don't like it. Won't be used against you if we stop now."
Type Darted his eyes to take in a deep breathe.
"Think..... You need it."
Tharns lips parted for type to tilt his head to close his eyes has he felt he lost his mind to then place his mouth back to his for tharn to slowly go in, for type to wince here and there, tharn then took his mouth off to stop moving in, to then spit to his hand to lube the rest of his cock, to then start to go in again to place his mouth back to types to use his free hand to move types to the side of his head to place his fingers through.
Type furrowed his brow confused, he didn't know why tharn was holding his hand like that, type then placed his hand to tharns back to grip has he started to go up and down to then actually be moving his body with this action to start to breathe hard in there mouths to actually moan, type then placed a hand to tharns body to move it up a bit to go to his length that was only semi hard to then stroke.
Tharn and type moved there heads back and forth to lather there tongues to the others mouths to keep up with this heated act to both need the other to be sane for that moment.
The next morning, type woke on his stomach to be eyeing his hand to shake his head with a hard face, he had his cum on his hands.
Types body was very much confusing him.
Rolling his eyes he signed and hard, to then move about to then stop to widened his eyes to part his lips to have shaky breathes at what he was seeing.
He couldn't help but to tremble to twitch.
"Is this.... Real? Or a.... Dream?"

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