quite the 17th

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Shuffling about type was to his back to then smack his lips to then go to his side to take in a deep breathe to slowly open his eyes to dart them to eye the window to sign.
Happy..... Birthday to me.
Type rolled his eyes to then move back to his back to then go on his forarms to look forward to widen his eyes to part his lips.
What the....
Type placed his hand to the blanket to move it about to then get up to go before the door that was covered with balloons, to then eye down to see a few bouquets, one was with fresh fruit, the other was with chocolates and the other had alcohol, type was a bit confused with that one, he then slowly looked back up to see an envelope to a balloon to then grab it to open to read over.
To mr. Vuto: happy birthday, you do not need to come into work if you wish not too. Can really the day off.
Type darted his eyes over that to then turn to toss the envelope to his bed to go to the bathroom to be to the sink to brush his teeth to look himself over.
So I can take the day off to just sit here in my room?
Type rolled his eyes to then be done brushing his teeth to go about his room to get ready to move everything to the side to then go to the bosses office.
Has he heard his door open, Mr. Tyrion looked up to see type come in to go to stand right in front of his desk.
"What are you...."
Type wrapped his arms about himself.
"I want to work um..... Also wanted to say thank you. I do have a question, why is there a alcohol bouquet?"
Mr. Tyrion shrugged.
"It's your birthday, didn't really know what to give a 17 year old."
"Well, alcohol isn't a good thing. But still.... Thank you.... Um.....I was wondering if I could get something else for my birthday."
Mr. Tyrion raised an eye brow.
Type rolled his eyes.
"Not that, never ever that, unless it's with a woman."
Mr. Tyrion made a face, type couldn't help but to laugh a bit to take in a deep breathe.
"Can I..... See my sister?"
Mr. Tyrion moved back in his chair to really eye type to make a considering face.
"You can call her."
"Mr. Tyrion, there has not been one birthday I have not shared with my sister."
"This one will be the first. I don't have full trust in you."
Mr. Tyrion then grabbed his phone to move it out for him.
"You've been very good thus you can call."
Type gritted his teeth to then grab the phone from his hand to turn to go to his desk to sit and hard to place the phone to his ear to call his sister.
Suxie was not happy like type she couldn't see him however she was happy she could at least hear from him.
Hanging up type got up to go to the bosses desk to slam the phone down to eye over him with anger.
Mr. Tyrion looked to him.
"Today is your birthday, don't look at me like that."
Types eyes narrowed.
"Your a prick."
Type turned to go to his desk to indulge in his work has the boss went into his. By the end of the night Mr. Tyrion went about to then go stand next to type.
Type turned his head to look over the boss.
"It's late."
Type signed to turn his head forward to look to the clock to eye it over.
"730, is not late."
"Mr. Vuto, is this really how you want to remember your 17th?"
Type took in a deep breathe.
"I want too spend it with my sister."
"Maybe next year, come on."
Type shook his head .
"I don't want to spend my birthday any longer with you, you need to go then go."
Mr.tyrion shook his head to then turn to start to leave.
"Will only let how you are acting, happen Tonight. Tomorrow, better watch yourself."
Type signed has the boss left to then get up with the paperwork to go to an area to place it to a file. He then groaned has he heard foot steps behind him.
"Why are you....."
Type then was turned and pushed to the wall to eye over Mr. Pheria to then sign..
"What do you want?"
Type then hunched over to place his arms to his stomach has this man punched him and hard.
Mr. Pheria looked him over to shake his head.
"What is so special about you, you can say what you can in front of our boss?"
Type coughed to then move back to breathe heavily.
"Just leave me the Fuck alone."
Mr. Pheria smirked to step forward to slam his hand neck to his head.
"I have seen the boss with so many other men, now those made a bit of sense, but he would never ever let them treat him like you do. You are so disrespectful. So what is it? You have a big dick? Have a tight hole? Your a real slut in the bedroom?"
Type started to breathe harder.
"Go to hell!"
Type tried to go forward to be pushed back to have his hands to either side of his head for mr. Pheria to have his hands to his wrists.
"Not tonight. I told you, you might have won that battle but not the war, I'm going to find out what it is about you that has our boss enticed. If you struggle, I'll tell Mr. Tyrion what I saw."
Type looked over him confused.
"What are you talking about?"
Mr. Pheria moved his head closer.
"I saw you with that girl, I took a picture, I show the boss, he will put a bullet in your head, however I want to see who he is just so interested in you."
Types Lips parted to start to struggle.
"No! Let go!"
Mr. Pheria laughed to then turn him about to place his arms to his back to press himself to them to take his hands to types pants to grab at his member to sign .
"Not hard, you don't need to be for what I'm about to do."
"God damnit, let me go you fucking pervert!"
"Oh? Are you just the whore for Mr. Tyrion?"
"Go to hell!"
Mr. Pheria laughed to then go to his neck to start to kiss for type to feel physically ill.
Mr. Pheria rolled his eyes to start to take types pants down for type to squeeze his eyes tight to oddly think of Mr. Tyrion and wishing he was there. Has type squirmed he then felt the weight be pulled off to then turn to slide down the wall to move up his pants to shake a bit to look over mr.pheria and Mr. Tyrion to be fighting, he then punched him and hard to breathe heavily to stand before type to look at him to the floor.
"Get out! You are fired!"
Mr. Pheria moved up to eye over him.
"I have been here for...."
"I don't care how long you have been here! I told you to leave him be! Now go!"
Mr. Pheria made a hard face to then turn to leave with a huff.
Mr. Tyrion looked over him to then turn to go to type with a long face to see something he hadent in a few months, fear.
Taking in a deep breathe, Mr. Tyrion crouched down to eye over type who kept twitching.
"Mr. Vuto, I'm..... Going to call for a car for you."
Types Lips parted to then slowly eye him.
"You are.... Not safe here. If I hadn't forgotten something Mr. Pheria would have raped you. You are only 17 and this world is not for you. So stay here, I'll have someone come and you will be with your sister."
Type looked over the boss to watch him turn to leave to make a hard face to then follow and quick.

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