not liking this behavior

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Moving his head about tharn was to his back to then turn his head with his eyes still closed to then turn to his stomach to move a hand out to start to move about the bed to sign heavily, he slowly opened his eyes to look about.
Tharn then got up and quick to go to look to the bathroom to walk in and about to dart his eyes everywhere.
Where the fuck are you!
Tharn then turned to go to his dresser to get dressed and quick to go about to go straight to his office to walk everywhere to grit his teeth has he still couldn't find type.
Damnit type!
Tharn then went about the place to go to the roof to eye about to dart his eyes about.
Where...... Are you!?
Tharn turned to then look frantically about this building to not be finding type and it was starting to drive tharn a bit crazy.
To a room, type was sitting to a chair to be on the phone with suxie to sign.
" need to talk to me and not just answer the phone."
Type rolled his eyes has he kept the phone to his ear.
"Suxie, I will hang up."
Type raised an eye brow has he started to hear heavy breathing.
"Suxie, this is very childish. I am not going to call you for two months if you don't say anything and......"
"Who is she type!"
Type made a face.
"There is no one here and...."
"Then why won't you leave and go with me! I don't need this school type, I want to be together again and not a sporadic phone call! So tell me the real reason why you won't just come here and we can leave!"
Type then peered his eyes to the side to part his lips a bit has he looked to tharn who opened the door to look to him in anger. Type started to breathe heavily.
Tharn narrowed his eyes to then go to type and quick.
"Oh don't you...."
Suxie darted her eyes to take the phone away to eye it to pout to sign to look down. The body guard looked to her from far away to feel sorry for her.
Type then stood has tharn took the phone to then place it in his back pocket.
"What the hell!"
"That should be coming from me. Where were you this morning?"
Type rolled his eyes to wrap his arms about.
"I have other things to do then lay next to you."
Tharn stepped about the chair to go closer to type to then place his hands to his shirt to move him up a bit, the two darted there eyes over the other .
"You are too remain in the bed has I wake up!"
Type narrowed his eyes to place his hands to his to then shove him away.
"You once said I have a choice, doesn't look that way to me!"
"You did once have a choice, however from how you have been, no more. You are going to....."
"Tharn! Knock it off! I am not your God damn fuck you or slave! Stop treating me like that! I hate it!"
Tharns lips parted for his body to tense, type then looked him over to shake his head to go about. Tharn moved his head a bit to the side to sign to place his hand to his forehead to rub to place his hand to his hip.
Type went about with an attitude, he didn't like this person at all. He then went to the office to go to his desk to start on his work with a huff. Tharn eventually came in to then go to stand before his desk to wrap his arms about to keep eyeing type has he worked and ignored him, eventually type had enough, he then darted his eyes to lay the piece of paper down.
"What is it you want or is to be wanting?"
Type made a hard face to to then slowly look up to sign.
"Something you are unwilling to give me."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"You are not going anywhere."
Type flexed his jaw to then move back to wrap his arms about himself.
"I want my own room and phone back, and be able to see my sister whenever I want."
Tharn took in a very deep inhale to then peer his eyes to the ceiling.
"No to your own room, you can have your phone back, and no chance in hell you are going to see your sister whenever you want. She has school and you have work. Do you not care you will interrupt her studies?"
Types Lips parted to sign to then eye down.
"I want to see her several times in a month."
"We can work on that, I still need to trust you."
"What else do I have to do for you to completely trust me!"
Tharn looked back to type.
"I am so very sure type if I left the front door open you would run, gather your sister and I will never ever see you again. That is not going to happen."
"God why the hell not! Go find someone else! I know I have paid back whatever you have paid and are paying for suxie school! It doesn't need to be me anymore, I don't want to be here!"
Tharns body shuttered to then look down to sign to then turn to start to leave, type looked to the empty space to slowly turn his head to look over his back.
"Th.... Tharn?"
"Do whatever you want today type."
Type started to take in deep breathes.
Tharn then placed his hands to the door to then open to stop to widen his eyes to then turn to eye over type confused.
"What...... What did you say?"
Type took in a deep inhale to then turn his head forward.
"I...... Want to do...... It."
Even though I came so much in the past two days and my lower back hurts but I don't know why but....... You acting this way I just.....
Type then looked up to eye over tharn who came back to then smile at type to bend himself over the desk to place his hands to types head to then pull him for a years kiss for type to feel he was duped again.

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