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Tapping the end of his pen to his desk, type looked to the action with furrowed brow to then sign has his hand was to his head.
The last week for type left him in this state he was currently in which was confusion.
Tharn was being so very gentle, sweet and nice, things he had never really been before. Even after type slapped him a bit ago.
Type Darted his eyes has he had been trying to figure this out, to then turn his head slightly to look over the boss has he came about with his head hung to be to his phone to text to go straight to his desk, type turned a bit to look him over to then sign to turn back to eye down.
Tharn then placed his phone down to then start on work to his computer.
Type took in a deep inhale.
"Have you've finished with that one employee profile?"
"Almost.... I still have some research to do."
"I need that finished by tomorrow, I have been hearing conflicting things about them."
"I need another two days."
"Finish it by tomorrow."
Type rolled his eyes to then turn to eye over tharn who was still to the computer.
"I really can't."
Tharn stopped typing to then take his hands back to sign to then look to type.
"You are starting to slack on your job type."
Types eyes narrowed.
"Who's fault is that?"
"Many people have sex every single night and still can do there job in the day. You need to be better."
Type took in a deep breathe.
"Maybe if they go once, we go.....I don't want to talk about it. I might be 30 minutes late, but that is not affecting my job, you want me to do deep research I need the time to do that."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"So.... You are asking for more time?"
Type gulped and hard to then turn back about to eye down.
"I'll..... Figure this out and get it done by tomorrow."
Tharn narrowed his eyes to then get up to go about his desk to go to types to place his hand to it to look him over.
"Working under so much pressure is not going to give me the outcome I am wanting. Do you really need more time?"
Type flexed his jaw to keep darting his eyes down.
"What I would have to do for more time is not worth it."
Tharn tilted his head to the side to keep looking over type.
"Even though you do it anyway?"
Type snapped his head to the side to look him over.
"We both have work we need to be doing, can you please go back to that."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then turn to go back to his desk, type parted his lips to watch him go to then look back down. This was not like the old boss he knew, he would have forced what he wanted.
Type gritted his teeth to then look back down to the desk to feel that odd emotion again.
"So... Even though we..... What would be different for me to have more time?"
Tharn looked up to eye over type to make a considering face.
"Can act a bit more like you want me, not just the sex."
Types ears started to go red.
"I don't really want either."
Tharn couldn't help but to laugh, type turned to look over him a bit in anger.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Your so absurd it's quite cute."
Type raised an eye brow.
"Excuse me?"
Tharn then looked to type.
"You never tell me no, to stop and all night you are the one clinging to me. We both know you love it when I'm deep in...."
"Shut up!" Type interrupted.
Tharn leaned back in his chair to tilt his head to the side to continue to eye over type.
"Mm.... Getting hard?"
Type rolled his eyes to then turn back to eye the desk..
"Just forget it. Prick."
Tharn couldn't help but to smirk to then get up once again to then go about to stand to the side to wrap his arms about himself to look down at type.
"You want more time, take out your dick, right here and now, I'll give you that extra time."
Type signed.
"I do that, it always leads to sex. I am not in the mood, just want to get my work done and you need to do that too."
"That really will be up to you, I just want to see your erection. Know you have one, that is why you shut me up earlier. All I am asking is to see it, that is all."
Type turned his head to really look over tharn.
"All I have to do is show you my.....I get my time, no sex."
Tharn nodded.
"Just want to see it."
Type signed to then turn his head forward to then shake it a bit to slowly move his hands down to feel that familiar emotion confusion. He just couldn't understand this man anymore.
Type then took apart of his pants to then sign and hard to take out his erection that he was not happy he had. Tharn eyed over it to lightly laugh.
"Knew it."
Tharn then turned to then stop to then smile wider.
He then slightly turned to have it go away to eye over type.
"What was that?"
Type looked over him to gulp to hang his head to look down to eye over his erection that was throbbing.
"Are.... You really not going to do anything about this?"
Tharn then wrapped his arms about himself.
"You said it yourself type, you didn't want this to lead to sex so...."
Type rolled his eyes to then place himself away to then get up to start to try to leave.
Tharn then moved to type to push him to the desk to look him really over.
"If that is what you need fine, but you need to start to come to terms with this."
Tharn then slowly moved himself forward to place his hand to his crotch to move it up and down to go to his neck to kiss while type placed his hands to the desk edge to grip.
"What.... What are you.... Talking about?"
Tharn then moved up his hand to start to undo his pants.
"I know you know type, your fight against this is so very cute."
Tharn then moved back has he moved his free hand up to move types head to him to have the two look at the other briefly to then place there mouths to the other has this act started to intensive.

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