he kept his word

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Moving in a car the next day, type couldn't help but to bounce his leg, he hadent been out for months and the boss actually kept his word for type to see his sister the next day.
Type then looked down after he was eyeing the window to see tharn place his hand to types leg, for him to then turn his head to eye over tharn.
Tharn was looking to his phone to dart his eyes.
"What are you doing?'
"Your leg bouncing, was becoming annoying."
Type took in a deep breathe to place his hand to tharns to move it away to eye out the window once more.
"Could just tell me that."
Tharn moved his phone down to then turn his head to look to type.
"When are you going to stop fighting against an us?"
Type wrapped his arms about himself.
"There's is no us."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then turn off his phone to look forward.
"Your mine type."
Type signed.
"I am about to see my sister after a long time, I don't want to talk about this or fight. Are we almost there?"
"Soon. Be patient."
Type made a hard face, tharn turned his head to look to him.
"Wish for something to relax you?"
"Leave me alone."
Type then moved away a bit to be closer to the door.
Tharn couldn't help but to smirk.
Parked, the driver then got out to go to the passenger door to then make a confused face to try to open the door once again for it not to open.
The driver moved back to then knock upon the dark tinted glass.
Type had his head lifted back to be thrusting his groin into tharns hot mouth to turn his head to the side to make a hard face to place a hand over his mouth, he didn't want the driver to hear of this.
Tharn peered his eyes to the side to suck at his cock harder to then look to type. He then placed types hands to his head for him to down his length a lot harder.
Types whole body tensed for him to then hunch over to then cum in that mouth to gasp a loud moan.
The driver hearing that widened his eyes to then step back to take out his gun.
Type then stepped out to be breathing heavily to have fixed himself to look over the driver to sign to then go about, the driver lowered his gun to eye over type who moved about him to then look back to eye inside the car to raise an eye brow, tharn was to his knees to the car to have a hand to his face to rub.
"Sir, are you alright?"
Tharn turned his head to look to his driver.
"Everything is fine."
Tharn then got out to look about to then follow type has he paced away to dart his eyes about, he was eagar to see his sister.
Type then stopped to the school sign to start to move forward to then stop to feel something to his back, type turned his head to look to tharn.
Tharn kept his head forward with a gun to types back
"Do not run, do not tell your sister what has been occuring, tell you sister you have just been busy with work. Understand?"
Type signed to then turn his head to look forward.
"Where is my sister?"
"From my last text message, in this schools library to be reading, she doesn't know your here. Thought being a surprise would be nice."
Type made a face to then go forward to look for the library, tharn watched him go to then place his gun away to walk forth, finding a map type then almost ran to the library, coming about tharn just walked after to then see the guard who was to look over suxie to be a little too close.
Tharn raised an eye brow to then eye over type who saw his sister to the library to then go and quick to her, the guard turned his head to look over him to know who type was to then fall back, suxie turned her head has the guard was right beside her to eye him confused.
"What are you...."
Suxies eyes widened has she knew that voice, she then turned her head to look over type who was breathing heavily to then have his chin quiver a bit, suxie immediately got up to go to him to wrap her arms about to have tears running down her face.
The guard looked over this to then turn his head to see the boss come about to then hang his head to look to the floor.
Suxie then moved back to eye over him while type moved his hands up to place his thumbs to her eyes to wipe away the tears.
"Suxie don't cry."
"I can't help it, it's been too long! You missed my birthday, I missed yours! I've missed you so much!"
Suxie placed her arms around type once more for a very tight hug which he hugged her back, type then turned his head has he felt a hand to his shoulder.
"Times up."
Type signed, suxie moved her head back to then eye over the boss to gulp to then hold type tighter.
"Go away!"
Tharn signed to eye her.
Type then took a hand up to take his off to really look to him.
"I want an hour, alone with my sister. I.....will make up for that lost hour of work... Tonight."
Tharn raised an eye brow to then look to suxie who had more tears falling.
"One hour. Make her understand type."
Tharn then looked to the guard for him to motion with his head for him to follow to which the guard did, type watched them go to then look down to his sister with a slight smile.
"We only have an hour, we need to talk."
Suxie widened her eyes over him to then nod for them to retrieve her things to then go and quick.

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