fighting only a bit against this

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At the bed, type was to his back has the boss hovered over for them to be moving there heads back and forth has they were in a deep kiss, types head moved back a bit then forward has he was to his forarms to then tilt his head to the side for them to be swirling there tongues about the other, tharn then moved back to place his hands to his shirt to take it over his head, type then moved down to take in deep breathes has he looked over that body to sign. He felt himself grow harder on his pants has he looked over his body.
Type then placed his hands over his eyes to groan.
Tharn threw his shirt to the side to be to his knees to eye over type to raise an eye brow. Moving down here placed his hands to types wrists to place them to either side of his head to look him over.
"What's wrong?'
Type gave tharn a very hard look.
"Do you really have to ask me that?"
Tharn couldn't help but to smirk to then grind himself on type a bit to slowly move his head down to go to his neck to start to kiss, type moved his head to the side to take in a deep inhale to moan a bit, he then balled his hands into fists to start to think to start to squirm.
Tharn signed to then move up to eye over type .
"This is starting to become a bit frustrating."
Type kept his head to the side to take in shallow breathes to then eye over the wall.
"Thought raping me was going to be easy?"
Tharns eyes widened to then move back to wrap his arms about himself to eye over type in anger.
Type signed and hard to place his hands over his eyes again to groan a whimper.
Tharn took in a deep breathe to turn his head to eye the door.
You need to give him time. The two of you still need to talk, over so many things.
"Never mind. It's late, need to go to bed."
Before tharn could get off type moved up to place his hands to his legs to move up to look over him to gulp.
"We have a lot to discuss, we shouldn't...... Need to just go to bed."
Type looked over tharn confused.
"But.....I um said....."
Tharn shrugged to then look down to place his hands to types wrists to start to pry him off.
"Really, it's just a word. I've done far worst things to you. Let's just go to sleep."
Types eyes darted rapidly to move his hands from tharns grasp to move further up to place his hands to tharns head to move him down for them to go back into a very passionate kiss, for type to place his hands to his neck to start to move his body on tharns.
Tharn placed his hands to either side of type to grip at the bedding to grind his body on types.
Types eyes they popped open has a thought went through it.
Your acting exactly in the way he wants you too, this asshole made you this way! Like girls and could masterbate to straight porn before this! All his fucking fault but...
Type made a hard face has he felt pain.
He then placed his hands to tharns chest to push him away to move up to place his hands to his pants to Furrow his brow.
Tharn went into his knees to look him over.
"Type? What's wrong?"
Type turned his head to look to the wall to grit his teeth.
Tharn really eyed him over to then look down to raise an eye brow, he then pushed type back to remove his hands from his private area to then eye down to place his hands to his pajama pants and boxers to see his engulfed throbbing cock flop itself out to twitch here and there.
"Mm.... Can see the problem, also you need bigger boxers, was hurting the little type here."
Type wrapped his arms about his eyes to groan.
"Shut up!"
Tharn slowly looked up to smile.
"Don't be like that. Think all men go through this from time to time."
Tharn then moved down to start to kiss at his length to peer his eyes up.
Types body tensed.
Tharn then took out his tongue to lick about to go up to his head that was dripping pre cum to lick so very sensually to kiss.
Types body bucked to moan and loud.
Tharn then moved back to widen his eyes a bit.
"Really liking this I see. Should have guessed when you're actually hard and....."
Type moved up to push tharn away a bit to move back to breathe heavily with an angry face.
"God! Would you just shut up!"
Tharn tilted his head to then slowly move to type to place a hand to his knee has both his legs were bent to stay to eye over him.
"And if I do? Then what?"
Type gulped has he looked over tharn to then eye down.
Tharn raised his other hand to then place it to his chin to move types head up a bit for them to eye over the other.
"Can you not fight against this? Just...... Let go....I know you don't trust me, but what about yourself?"
Types Lips parted to slowly let his eye lids close to hesitate for a moment to move closer to tharn to then go all the way to place his mouth back to his to bring up his hands up slowly to take him down, the two went into a deep kiss once more for tharn to push types legs apart a bit, for type to be the one to go to tharns pajama shorts to start to pull them down has they kept swirling there tongues about the other, tharn then took his tongue out to kiss about to go to his ear.
"Do Want me?"
Type wrapped his arms about tharn to furrow his brow to squeeze his eyes tight.
"Just shut up and..... Do it!"
Tharn signed to move back to take off his shorts to throw wherever to go to his dresser to grab the tube of lube to place a lot to his hole to place to his dick to position himself to look down at type.
"Do you want me?"
Type gulped to place his hands to the bedding and hard to give a stiff nod.
Tharn raised an eye brow to place his tip to his outter.
"Not rape?"
Types Lips parted to peer his eyes down to shake his head.
"Sorry.....I said that word."
Tharns eyes widened to then move down to place his body to his to place his hands to his head to make type look to him.
"You are just begging never to be able to walk again."
Type looked over tharn confused to then lift his head back to moan has he was being pentrated and hard.
Tharn couldn't look away has this man made him feel things that he never thought possible and it grew every time he was with this boy.
Tharn then placed his hands under his body to grip at his shoulders to continue to go at him and hard for type to wrap his legs about and arms to eventually place his mouth to his for a very deep kiss has tharn felt love which only happened when he was with this boy and never had he felt something like this for any other.

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