being honest

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Sitting to a chair, type moved his fork about his food to sign, it was cold, tharn ate his food to the bed to then get up to go about to stop to then eye over type to raise an eye brow.
"I.... Don't like cold food."
"Mm....was warm before...."
Type slowly looked up to eye over tharn with a glare.
Tharn couldn't help but to laugh to then grab the tray to place it over his own, to go out, type tilted his head to watch tharn come back to then go to his phone to his side table to call for more.
"That's a waste you know."
"You want warm food."
"There is something called a microwave."
Tharn shrugged to then place the phone to the side table to then go to grab a chair to place it before type to eye over him, has he had a blanket to his lower to have his bare chest showing, while tharn had sweat pants, to then place his elbows to his legs to cup his hands together to fully eye over type who looked to him confused.
Tharn took in a deep breathe to then move back to have his expressions smooth to give off a professional stance.
"You want to know about my past?"
Types Lips parted to really look over tharn.
"I tell you, then you are never ever to leave me."
Type made a hard face.
"We are not in a relationship."
Tharn narrowed his eyes.
"What are we then?"
Type flexed his jaw to peer his eyes down.
"Just Fuck buddies? Using the other? Hmm?"
Type looked to tharn with anger.
"You started it!"
"And I am trying desperately to make up for it."
"You can't turn back time."
"Trust me I know type."
Type signed to eye back down to the floor.
"Why are you doing all of this? Just let me go."
"God! Why not! You can just find another!"
"I don't want another."
"Because I love you!"
Types whole body froze to then look over tharn confused.
"Wh.... What?"
Tharn signed to then look down.
"That is why I can't let you go."
"You.... Don't even know me."
Tharn slowly looked up to eye over him.
"You were born 17 years ago in phuy Thailand, two very hard working individuals, who if I say there name you will start to cry, you soon had a sister, then unfortunately at a young age you lost your parents in a...."
"Knock it off!" Type shook.
Tharn signed.
"I know you type. Inside and out."
Type narrowed his eyes.
"Reading about me is so very different then knowing who I am. I am not gay, forced to do things I did not want to, which has lead into very bad dreams I some times have, regardless if it gets me into trouble, you raped me! Forced me! Beat me! And now you love me! Go to hell!"
Tharn took in a deep breathe.
"I am still a mafia boss here type. If I did not act accordingly my employees here would be unable to control and you and I both know that. It was also before I really knew you. Everyone makes mistakes, are you saying I can't?"
Type rolled his eyes to look to the side.
"You really are a monster."
Tharn took in a deep breathe.
"Never said I wasent. Do not believe I was born that way though. You..... Are not the only person to this room who have been beaten, forced and raped type."
Type darted his eyes to then turn his head to look over tharn who had a very serious expression to his face.
"You've..... You've said a few things in your sleep, about your.... Father...."
Tharn took in a deep breathe to then look down.
"You know, still to this day, I don't know how he found out I like the company of men. I was very careful in my youth."
Type moved forward a bit.
"What.... Did your father do to you tharn?"
Tharn made a hard face to jump a bit has he heard knocking to his door, type signed to then make sure the blanket was to his waist to go to open to then grab the tray to come back to close the door to place it to the side table to then go back to the chair to eye over tharn.
"What did he do?"
Tharn signed to peer his eyes to the tray.
"Your food is going to get...."
"Hell with my food, what did your father do to you?"
Tharn looked to type.
"Once.... He knew of my.... Confliction.... He thought I was just being rebellious at first, has he saw I was serious, he tried to cure it."
Type darted his eyes to then get up to go to stand before tharn to then go to his knees to place his hands to his to look up.
"How.... Did he try to go about that?"
"First with women, however I couldn't get it up, no matter how they touched..... Getting angry, my father then sent very older men to....."
Types Lips parted to dart his eyes over tharn to then move up to wrap his arms about to hold him has tears were starting to go down his face, tharn couldn't help but to wrap his arms about him and hard.
"Can't you see now type, why you can't leave? Without you, I have to down a pill bottle and alcohol just to make it through a day, however... When you are by my side, I do not need any of that. Please.... Stay with me."
Type squeezed his eyes tightly shut to take in a deep breathe to comfort the man who had done so many horrible things to him to then sign and hard to turn his head to peer his eyes back.
Tharn held type tighter.
"Don't want my food to go cold. I am very hungry from all the activity we've been....."
Tharn took in a deep breathe to then let him go for type to turn to go to stand before the tray to eat his food, tharn kept his eyes to him to make a hard face.
"I..... Did try to let you go type, you stayed. I..... Can't let you go again. Even if it means you hate me."
Type ate the last of his food to eye over his tray to shake his head a bit.
"So my hell is of my being? My fault?"
Tharn signed.
"To be with me, it's hell?"
Type gritted his teeth.
"Not.... When your being gentle and..... Caring....."
Tharn slowly got up to go to type to place his hands to either shoulder to place his bottom lip to the back of his neck to move it up and down.
"I can be that way, only to you though."
Type closed his eyes to take in a very deep breathe.
"We're.... You this honest and gentle with the others?"
Tharn then went to types ear has he moved his hands about to start to take them lower.
"No one other then you type, have gotten this close to who I truly am. I am not fully a monster. Can be.... Sweet."
Tharn then took out his tongue to run the tip about types ear to take apart his blanket that fell to the floor, to place his hands to his very hard dick to then stroke for type to moan to eye the wall to roll his eyes.
God help me.
Type then turned in there embrace to then wrap his arms about for them to go into a very hot sensual kiss for type to be the one to bring tharn back to the bed.

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