11 - Anything For You

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This chapter could've had major potential if I had the energy to write 💀
This is a dialogue-centered chapter btw lmao


And maybe heartwarming scenes?...idk LMAO


(Play the music ontop when I tell you to)


"Take it off"


"If you don't want to I can do it instead"

"W-Wait, are you okay with me...you know?" Sunghoon led his eyes down to 'you-know-where'

"I can barely move my body, so yes. Plus I'm totally fine with being naked in front of you" Sunoo winked weakly with his eyes half closed

"I'm baffled at how you're acting sensual in a condition like this" Sunghoon referred to Sunoo's vulnerable state

"I'm always like this no matter the situation"

"Are you sure you're not drunk or anything?" Sunoo nodded in answer to Sunghoon's question

"So...May I?" Sunghoon cocked his eyebrow asking for permission

"Do you even have to ask?" Sunoo softly giggles

"*cough* Sorry..." Sunghoon cleared his throat as his hands continue to pull down the stretchy fabric that was the only thing covering Sunoo, while his eyes focused on the mirror behind Sunoo not wanting to look at what was in front of him

Sunghoon held up his thighs a bit to ease the removal of his underwear until it was slid down his legs down to his toes and is now on top of the counter beside Sunoo

"U-Uh, I-I can't...put you in the tub yet. We'll have to warm you up a bit before getting in, or else you'll catch a cold with the sudden change of temperature" Sunghoon reached for the towel he was going to use a while ago and wrapped it around Sunoo's hips halfway to at least cover his genitalia.

"I would use my hair dryer b-but it's broken at the moment...So..." Sunghoon finally looked at the sleepy-eyed boy holding himself up using his weak arms on the countertop


"Is it okay if we...warm up...each other?"

"Like...Do you want us to...?" Sunoo gave Sunghoon 'the look' trying to give him a hint about what he was implying

"NO! OH MY GOSH SUNOO NO! I-I meant sharing body heat! Like hugging?" Sunghoon caught on to what Sunoo meant and immediately corrected him not wanting misunderstandings

"That's disappointing, but oh well..." Sunoo sighed and threw himself onto a shook Sunghoon whose hands were in the air not knowing where to place them. Sunoo was ice cold which made Sunghoon flinch contrasting his warm and comforting heat.

"You're so...warm..." Sunoo tightened his arm's grip on Sunghoon's neck while treating him like a microwaved human-sized rice sack with his legs wrapped around his torso with only a folded piece of towel and the silk fabric of Sunghoon's robe barricading their naked bodies, and his head fitting perfectly underneath the right side of Sunghoon's head.

After a while, Sunghoon gave in and slowly wrapped his hands around Sunoo's bare and cold back, rubbing on his waist, shoulders, hips, and his entire back to help with the warming process. Both of them hummed at the solace they were both in, as they gradually warmed up themselves. Not until Sunghoon heard soft sobs in his ear coming from a limp Sunoo.

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